Hey, you remember Pez. That's as good a barometer as any.
But don't worry. We can grow old together. ;)
· 8 years ago
But, but, my grandma still calls me young lady, doesn't that count for something?
You know what? Forget it! Bring it on! I bet I could beat you in a wheelchair race any day at the old folks home!
Oh my goodness, four of you "arrived" to stand tall against my onslaught? Ok.
K1: Allow me to test that out as a pillow.
K2: One doesn't have need of flirting skills when they're as cute as you.
K3: Anytime, sugah.
K4: You don't have to tell me twice.
· 8 years ago
Dang, you're good. What's your secret?
· 8 years ago
And wouldn't you prefer it as a lap warmer? Sorry for the multiples, it takes me awhile to think of replies to this kind of intercourse.
It is! It's hard to find the bigger packages of it though. Mostly you can just buy two rolls with a dispenser. You can buy it online too. That stuff is crack for kids. So good.
Do you have any idea how many Matthew G's there are in the world and how many turn up in Facebook and Google results? A lot. So many. You'd have to narrow it down for me a bit. And I um... might be talking a bigger game than I am comfortable playing. I hope that doesn't ruin it for you. I'm not entirely comfortable making online friends my irl friends... Mostly because that's never happened. This site is my first experience with purely online friends
I completely understand. I've only met people online a handful of times back when I was much younger, and it has never gone well.
But hey, if you ever need to practice your flirting skills, far be it from me to stop you.
· 8 years ago
Thank you for understanding! And ditto on the flirting, I enjoy it. :)
· 8 years ago
Hey did you want to friend each other or just stalk each other on Facebook? I'm still trying to figure out how to provide each other with enough information to find each other without giving that info to all of FS.
But don't worry. We can grow old together. ;)
You know what? Forget it! Bring it on! I bet I could beat you in a wheelchair race any day at the old folks home!
K1: Allow me to test that out as a pillow.
K2: One doesn't have need of flirting skills when they're as cute as you.
K3: Anytime, sugah.
K4: You don't have to tell me twice.
I prefer to leave it up to you as to what you want to warm up with your little tush-tush.
But hey, if you ever need to practice your flirting skills, far be it from me to stop you.