Yes you can do that over here too...except you don't get to learn any of that but hey, at least you know what (3a-6)(67+8) is, amirite?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Is the x a variable or multiplication?
Just wondering because if it was a variable, then the answer would be 225ax-450x
But just take the x out and you have the multiplication answer
Once upon a time such unimportant things were taught in America too. But really, when you're just going to grow up to be on welfare you don't have to file any taxes. And with the advent of debit cards you don't even need to know cursive anymore because there are no more welfare checks to sign!
American here. Our schools help us as well. In highschool I learned CPR, how to do my taxes, how to write checks and balance my checkbook, how to cook and sew, basics of survival in the wilderness, typing, how to apply for a job including how to write a resume, gather references and attended real interviews with companies, and I'm sure more.
None of them were elctives or extra curriculars. They were all taught in classes that everybody had to take. Even though this stuff wasn't in the curriculum, the school still taught us as do a lot of schools. Just because it's not in the american school curriculum doesn't mean the schools don't teach it.
I'm pretty sure the curriculum in the US is decided upon by each district (except for in some states), so the US probably has 300+ curriculums. I might be wrong though I live in Canada, where each curriculum is decided upon by each province.
No, we do have a shload of school districts doing their own thing but for the most part it's the state board of education. However, the Obama administration has been pushing what they call "common core" curriculum on the states - which is an unbelievable disaster - in effort to make all schools equally bad. The schools that refuse common core have a fair amount of leeway (depending upon the local school board and district, of course) in their curriculum though. And of course the private schools often go their own way.
Just wondering because if it was a variable, then the answer would be 225ax-450x
But just take the x out and you have the multiplication answer
None of them were elctives or extra curriculars. They were all taught in classes that everybody had to take. Even though this stuff wasn't in the curriculum, the school still taught us as do a lot of schools. Just because it's not in the american school curriculum doesn't mean the schools don't teach it.