It's really easy to keep them out. I grew up in a rural area with many foxes and a lot of feral cats in the very neighborhood, and nearly all neighbors had henhouses and hutches. Shutting them at night and lining up any opening with mesh wire was basically all it took.
Actually they seem to, they will chase insects and clover all day and eat less pellet feed. They return to the henhouse on their own every day at sunset. You must keep them away from vegetable crops or gardens though, they are voracious eaters and love to scratch
We bought fully fox proof runs for our chickens with the mesh to stop them digging but it did nothing they just dug from a few meters out and we lost all of them ;-;
We had a fisher tear through a wire fence. Nothing is ever nature proof.
· 8 years ago
I love foxes and I've never ever EVER seen them as a my mums we had a lil family if then go through our garden and we always used to leave them out food, at first quite far away from us but after a while we began to bring it closer and closer to the house and eventually we got them about 3-4ft away from our front door.
It actually takes only a few generations to breed foxes into pets. This guy did it in the 1950's It was kind of an accident, but it gave great impulses both to behavioral scientists and geneticists.
Yeah but not a lot of people keep them as a pet as they can smell pretty bad. Especially if they take a whizz on something, you can't wash it out as it'll just make it worse so you'll have to replace the item.
I have always loved Foxes. They keep down the rodents and when we have too many rabbits, but they are blamed for more than they ever do. They can be domesticated but require enclosures like our Dingoes. Sadly our Dingoes are almost gone now and people bait the foxes ( excruciating pain) and if you were to ask Ricky Gervais I think he would express himself stronger than I can here. So....please look at these little guys eyes and be kind. Janice.
What is this, warriors?