You can't reproduce if you've had a sex change. Men's bodies don't have the space or proper blood vessel set up to support a uterus. Medical science can't sufficiently transplant any fully functional sex organs. They are too sophisticated and delicate.
They both played the part in this birth that they were born as. The "man" is genetically a woman (XX), and the "woman" is genetically a man (XY). Basically, the "father" is the birth mother, and the "mother" is the sperm-giver (the article insinuated that they didn't get castrated)
he might have (or in this case he probably did) still kept his female reproductive organs. not all trans people have the money to fully change themselves. I'm guessing in this case they compromised with what they have. I'm happy for them and their family ^^
I'm confused- If the girl decided she was actually a man and started taking testosterone and all those other hormones, wouldn't his body be unable to carry a baby due to the incorrect hormones etc.? Sorry If that doesn't make sense, I'm very confused
I don't give a fuck about labels, but apparently yes. Transgender for people before operation and transsexual for people after.
But you can call me anything.
I thought transgender men can't be pregnant?
But you can call me anything.