has anyone tried something like that cuz i want to know how it tasted
· 8 years ago
Yeah I had a bacon double cheese burger with donut buns at the state fair because I was curious. It tastes amazing but I'd only eat one in your lifetime if you know what's good for you. It probably takes about a year off your life and doubles your risk of a heart attack. You should try to go to an American state fair some time because that's where food like this comes from. It's not even the worst thing I've seen/had at one.
A yeast doughnut like these ones smush down to nothing (easy to bite through), two whole bagels as a bun would make this impossible (or nearly impossible) to bite through.
Nope, China.
Nutella icecream in a giant donut waffle cone?
Pretty sure that's Dutch.
Shaved chocolate falafel/kebab/gyro?
There's plenty of nations that can out America America... funnily enough it's with food.