You can create products for kids to use, and then market it towards adults, like it should be done. If children see a toy commercial, of course they're going to want it. It's a direct play on their simple way of life and it makes me sick.
So I assume you want the toy section at the store locked away and only accessible to adults? After all, kids might see something they want there too and the store is "playing directly on their simple way of life"! Apparently you don't think you companies should be allowed to test market their products to see if kids even want them. How much would kids enjoy toys that were designed by adults according to what the adults want, and purchased by adults according to what the adults want? While we're at it maybe it would be a good idea to have vegans decide what food commercials we normal people are allowed to see or at what restaurants we are allowed to eat. Come on; think a little bit!
Children are incapable of spending their own money in a sensible way; because they do not understand the urgency of spending money on nessacities rather than toys or candy. If a toy looks fun, kids are going to want it, inspite of how much it costs or how unfit it might be. Therefore they should not be exposed to commercials that can easily influence their desires; it is morally reprehensible. Children enjoy simple toys as much can enjoy expensive toys, and thus having to make comparisons should not be a reality.
Sooo..... Is that a "yes" you think that children need to be protected from toys and stores should not be allowed to sell them in plain view?????
Dude you're twisted like a pretzel.
That kind of "protection" thinking is exactly why we have whiney little snowflakes that can't hear a different opinion or see a Trump sign without having a psychotic breakdown and needing a safe space!
The little bastards will get over it if mom and dad tell them they can't have a toy.
My my, what an intelligently worded reply. I suppose I could keep try to make my point to you, even if it only keeps soaring right over your head. I do not mean to imply that children are too sensitive to cope with commericals, I am merely concerned with what it does to them psychologically. It influences their mind to think with an inclination toward consumerism, and I think this is morally wrong, because of their vunerable state.
How are children any different than adults?
The whole point of ANY advertising of ANYTHING is to "influence their mind to think with an inclination toward consumerism". Can adults not make decisions for themselves now? We need big brother stepping in and running our lives for us? Apparently the Germans do.
And no, children are absolutely not different. We should be safe in assuming that they have parents or other guardians; therefore, they have guidance and guardrails so as not to simply jack daddy's credit card and go on an uncomfortable spending binge because the evil toy makers have told them about the toys. It's up to the parents to teach the little gremlins self control and that they can't have everything they want. Where do you draw the line in your socialist utopian world? Why in hell are carmakers allowed to advertise cars that I can't have? Why are travel agencies allowed to advertise trips to the Bahamas when I'd sure as hell love to go but can't?
And let's at least try to come up with a little reason here, shall we? Don't you think the poor defenseless little victims of greedy consumerism are going to talk to their friends and maybe, just maybe see a toy their friend has and (gasp!) They might want one too!! Oh my god! We have to prevent children from talking to one another or socializing in any way! They just can't handle the knowledge that there may be some product out there that they may want to possess!
You're absolutely right, we must ban all advertising immediately!
No, that's not good enough; we must ban all production! Back to playing with sticks and making cave drawings. FOR THE GOOD OF OUR CHILDREN!!!
Ridiculous. I only hope that you are not American.
First of all, calm down. It's the internet man, relax, you don't have to convince anyone of anything. ''How are children any different from adults?'' The difference is that the skills we have in adulthood (25+) we learn during our childhood (0-25). Children do not go to school for nothing, they learn and grow during that time. I invite you to read up on this subject. There is no shame in learning or young age, (I pressume you are young) and your opinions are just as valid as any adults', but scientifically speaking the brain grows until age 25. Therefore children need protection from that which they cannot make rational decisions about themselves. And that's all there is to it. No need to jump to conclusions.
You presume wrong. Very wrong on all counts.
All you have to do is look at history. Rugrats have seen advertisements on television, in magazines, on posters and billboards, and in stores since at least the turn of the century and guess what? They've lived just fine. Your attitude toward personal freedom, open mindedness, and human nature is exactly what is wrong with the world. Too many people of your twisted mindset and hubris have been allowed to poison the well with these silly assertions that you know better than the commoners how to raise their children, and you have turned out a couple generations of weak, fragile little snowflakes that can't handle seeing or hearing anything that varies even slightly from their programming. Children have to have disappointment to grow. You can masturbate your own intellect all you wish, but central command-and- control government and communism has never worked and has never been good for the peasants forced to endure it.
This is not ''communism'' or something I presume, it's science. Facts. I invite you to read this:
It's not ''twisted''. There are hundreds of scientists and psycholigists who agree with me.
Why do you make me repeat myself? Science. facts. research.
The problem with your country is that you look for motives in everything, when you really should just follow what the facts tell you. YOUR scientists are some of the best in the world, and yet you choose to ignore them.
What are we supposed to get out of that research? The only relevant conclusion it makes is that young children can't tell that advertising is designed to make them want the product, which doesn't really matter because they're not the one buying things, their parents are.
@keepsake liberals ARE socialists. There is no "grouping" them together, they are one and the same. If you don't understand this you do not understand liberalism.
Or you don't want to admit it.
If you scroll down on the page and click the tab ''The Effects of Advertising on Children'' you can read a number of negative effects advertisements can have on the young mind.
and for guestwho, straight from the dictionary; ''Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production'' And: ''Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.'' There is no arguing about this. It's all facts.
That part of the study doesn't have a lot of useful information. It talks about changes in the kind of food they eat, which is irrelevant because children that young shouldn't be purchasing their own food anyway, and it talks about tobacco and alcohol ads, which aren't advertised to children. The only slightly useful finding is that children sometimes fight with there parents because they want something they saw in an ad.
Also, there's a difference between classical liberalism and social liberalism.
As a Children Studies major, I can tell you that the most important part about those studies are always the problems that effect children in later life. Not only physically but also mentally relatively small defects can have a massive effect on mental health in the child's adult life. That part lists pretty serious things. Obesity, a bad parent-child relationship, a higher acceptance of harmful substances.. I am not advocating for a complete ban of advertisement, but you have to be selective of what you choose to expose your child to.
"I can tell you that the most important part about those studies are always the problems that effect children in later life."
Sure, but that study only talks about children 4-5 and 7-8.
"you have to be selective of what you choose to expose your child to."
Yeah, but that's mostly the parents' responsibility, not advertisers.
''Obesity, a bad parent-child relationship, a higher acceptance of harmful substances..'' These are all problems that will effect every child in later life, especially the last one. It is impossible for parents to truly manage every aspect of a child's life, and many consider it harmful to do so. It is up to our government to shape our environment in our childhood and later life, because it is a deciding factor of the people we will become. And, by extent, what the country will become under the bewind of its new citizens.
'' It is impossible for parents to truly manage every aspect of a child's life, and many consider it harmful to do so. It is up to our government to shape our environment in our childhood and later life, because it is a deciding factor of the people we will become. And, by extent, what the country will become under the bewind of its new citizens.''
If the words are too difficult for you to understand, you know, the ones written in YOUR native language, I suggest you go find a dictionary. No, that is not what I said, so read it again. Environment = our surroundings. Safety, healthcare, public transport, television, etc. Things that the government takes care of most countries. When you use logic the world around you really isn't all that enraging.
Duh wot u sayin?
Look, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were simply propagandized from early childhood with socialism.
I now understand that your problem is an actual mental deficiency. You have my sympathy but, like a rabid dog, you are most likely beyond help or hope and must be dispatched.
If you cannot understand that "the government" is comprised of PEOPLE just like you, and are actually no smarter or better than the citizenry you are truely lost. What I cannot fathom is WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH?
Holy fuck.
Guestwho, would you please stop being such an insufferable asshole and put the keyboard down for the afternoon? I'm sure FS would appreciate it.
Anyone who believes they need to be controlled by some faceless bureaucracy because they've been programmed to believe they are inferior to government minions is mentally unstable and possibly infectious. Call it tough love.
Oh, well...
Keepsake, please don't waste any more time on this guy. He has a long history of allowing Faux News to plant boogeymen in his worldview.
I personally can't wait for the day he decides to stop foaming at the mouth and follow his own logic to it's natural conclusion.
Dude I really wish you'd share whatever it is you're smoking!
You have stalked me long enough to know I stand firmly against liberalism, socialism, big government, and anyone who threatens my personal freedom. I have not contradicted myself here in the least, nor have I employed any logic I have not followed to its "natural conclusion". I'd ask for clarification but I doubt you even know what you mean.
You're assuming I have nothing better to do with my time than spin my wheels with you. Perhaps you hoped I would lend you a small amount of legitimacy by doing so? Cute.
Stop being a dick to people, conduct yourself like a decent human being, and MAYBE then people will bother debating with you.
Well, the fact that you continue to "spin your wheels" with me sure seems like you have nothing better to do!
Again, you have stalked me long enough to know that I frequently try to provide facts and education when someone is so mistaken, as keepsake is. However, when someone is so thick headed there is no point trying to reach them. There is no reason to try to debate someone who is so closed minded and dangerously ignorant as keepsake. In such case I have no qualms pointing out just how ignorant and foolish such beliefs are.
On the other hand, when you're so obviously a troll I might poke you a bit.
Pokey poke sweet cheeks.
Just like a troll to point out any response as some big deal. Obviously "spinning my wheels" referred to engaging with you on the subject at hand. If you want to play dumb, that's on you.
The rest of that comment was pure delusion, and not deserving of a reply.
''Again, you have stalked me long enough to know that I frequently try to provide facts and education when someone is so mistaken, as keepsake is. However, when someone is so thick headed there is no point trying to reach them. There is no reason to try to debate someone who is so closed minded and dangerously ignorant as keepsake. In such case I have no qualms pointing out just how ignorant and foolish such beliefs are.''
The Psychological projection is real. You have yet to contribute any facts or research to the conversation.
Also: ''is comprised of PEOPLE just like you, and are actually no smarter or better than the citizenry you are truely lost''
''need to be controlled by some faceless bureaucracy..''
That is a contradiction if I've ever seen one. You are about as nuanced as a sledgehammer, guestwho. Try to read things as they actually written instead of jumping to conclusions immediately. Also, how old are you?
How, pray tell, have I contradicted myself in pointing out that "government" is made up of people, and that they are no different or better than the citizenry? How have I contradicted myself in pointing out that if you truly believe you are inferior to these people who rule over you and you need them to guide your life, you are suffering a mental illness? Where is the contradiction?
I do not jump to conclusions. I read what you wrote. I just happen to understand that what you are advocating is socialism, and that socialism has never worked out well for the people forced to live under its tyranny.
As to my age, only a child would be concerned about age. Suffice it to say that I was alive and old enough to know what was going on in the world during the Cold War, and I have seen the results of socialism numerous times.
I give up. Have a good life. You consider yourself wise enough to call me ''mentally ill'', but you yourself have eaten up the propaganda your government has thrown at you for decades. Ponder that for a change...
I hereby label thee "Sir Too-Damn-Ignorant-To-Understand-I'm-Not-Trying-To-Win-An-Argument-Because-Neither-Of-You-Are-Reachable".
You both appear too far gone to be reached with logic and reason, so I'm just making fun of your foolishness.
Dude you're twisted like a pretzel.
That kind of "protection" thinking is exactly why we have whiney little snowflakes that can't hear a different opinion or see a Trump sign without having a psychotic breakdown and needing a safe space!
The little bastards will get over it if mom and dad tell them they can't have a toy.
The whole point of ANY advertising of ANYTHING is to "influence their mind to think with an inclination toward consumerism". Can adults not make decisions for themselves now? We need big brother stepping in and running our lives for us? Apparently the Germans do.
And no, children are absolutely not different. We should be safe in assuming that they have parents or other guardians; therefore, they have guidance and guardrails so as not to simply jack daddy's credit card and go on an uncomfortable spending binge because the evil toy makers have told them about the toys. It's up to the parents to teach the little gremlins self control and that they can't have everything they want. Where do you draw the line in your socialist utopian world? Why in hell are carmakers allowed to advertise cars that I can't have? Why are travel agencies allowed to advertise trips to the Bahamas when I'd sure as hell love to go but can't?
You're absolutely right, we must ban all advertising immediately!
No, that's not good enough; we must ban all production! Back to playing with sticks and making cave drawings. FOR THE GOOD OF OUR CHILDREN!!!
Ridiculous. I only hope that you are not American.
All you have to do is look at history. Rugrats have seen advertisements on television, in magazines, on posters and billboards, and in stores since at least the turn of the century and guess what? They've lived just fine. Your attitude toward personal freedom, open mindedness, and human nature is exactly what is wrong with the world. Too many people of your twisted mindset and hubris have been allowed to poison the well with these silly assertions that you know better than the commoners how to raise their children, and you have turned out a couple generations of weak, fragile little snowflakes that can't handle seeing or hearing anything that varies even slightly from their programming. Children have to have disappointment to grow. You can masturbate your own intellect all you wish, but central command-and- control government and communism has never worked and has never been good for the peasants forced to endure it.
It's not ''twisted''. There are hundreds of scientists and psycholigists who agree with me.
This isn't politics; this is ideology.
The problem with your country is that you look for motives in everything, when you really should just follow what the facts tell you. YOUR scientists are some of the best in the world, and yet you choose to ignore them.
Or you don't want to admit it.
and for guestwho, straight from the dictionary; ''Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production'' And: ''Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.'' There is no arguing about this. It's all facts.
Also, there's a difference between classical liberalism and social liberalism.
Sure, but that study only talks about children 4-5 and 7-8.
"you have to be selective of what you choose to expose your child to."
Yeah, but that's mostly the parents' responsibility, not advertisers.
If the words are too difficult for you to understand, you know, the ones written in YOUR native language, I suggest you go find a dictionary. No, that is not what I said, so read it again. Environment = our surroundings. Safety, healthcare, public transport, television, etc. Things that the government takes care of most countries. When you use logic the world around you really isn't all that enraging.
Look, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were simply propagandized from early childhood with socialism.
I now understand that your problem is an actual mental deficiency. You have my sympathy but, like a rabid dog, you are most likely beyond help or hope and must be dispatched.
If you cannot understand that "the government" is comprised of PEOPLE just like you, and are actually no smarter or better than the citizenry you are truely lost. What I cannot fathom is WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH?
Guestwho, would you please stop being such an insufferable asshole and put the keyboard down for the afternoon? I'm sure FS would appreciate it.
Anyone who believes they need to be controlled by some faceless bureaucracy because they've been programmed to believe they are inferior to government minions is mentally unstable and possibly infectious. Call it tough love.
Keepsake, please don't waste any more time on this guy. He has a long history of allowing Faux News to plant boogeymen in his worldview.
I personally can't wait for the day he decides to stop foaming at the mouth and follow his own logic to it's natural conclusion.
You have stalked me long enough to know I stand firmly against liberalism, socialism, big government, and anyone who threatens my personal freedom. I have not contradicted myself here in the least, nor have I employed any logic I have not followed to its "natural conclusion". I'd ask for clarification but I doubt you even know what you mean.
A crazy person can't realize they are crazy.
Still not a clarification of your objections to my comments, btw.
You're assuming I have nothing better to do with my time than spin my wheels with you. Perhaps you hoped I would lend you a small amount of legitimacy by doing so? Cute.
Stop being a dick to people, conduct yourself like a decent human being, and MAYBE then people will bother debating with you.
Again, you have stalked me long enough to know that I frequently try to provide facts and education when someone is so mistaken, as keepsake is. However, when someone is so thick headed there is no point trying to reach them. There is no reason to try to debate someone who is so closed minded and dangerously ignorant as keepsake. In such case I have no qualms pointing out just how ignorant and foolish such beliefs are.
On the other hand, when you're so obviously a troll I might poke you a bit.
Pokey poke sweet cheeks.
The rest of that comment was pure delusion, and not deserving of a reply.
Far be it from me to kink shame you, though. ;)
The Psychological projection is real. You have yet to contribute any facts or research to the conversation.
Also: ''is comprised of PEOPLE just like you, and are actually no smarter or better than the citizenry you are truely lost''
''need to be controlled by some faceless bureaucracy..''
That is a contradiction if I've ever seen one. You are about as nuanced as a sledgehammer, guestwho. Try to read things as they actually written instead of jumping to conclusions immediately. Also, how old are you?
I do not jump to conclusions. I read what you wrote. I just happen to understand that what you are advocating is socialism, and that socialism has never worked out well for the people forced to live under its tyranny.
As to my age, only a child would be concerned about age. Suffice it to say that I was alive and old enough to know what was going on in the world during the Cold War, and I have seen the results of socialism numerous times.
Spoken like a true Stalinist.
You both appear too far gone to be reached with logic and reason, so I'm just making fun of your foolishness.
In my experience no; they'll hold it.