women in this field honestly deserve to be paid more. if a football team of women lose a match, they get paid nothing, while if a team of men do, they still get paid. but also, the average is between $6,000 and $30,000 for women, it isnt that bad until you know what the male football players average salary is; $148,693.26. and what really puts the salt on the wound is this gif set, where the guys fake injuries and become total pussies on the field, and women suffer real injuries and still play on. and if you want to argue that men are watched more, that's actually untrue. https://www.thenation.com/article/us-womens-soccer-is-more-popular-than-mens-but-the-players-are-still-paid-less/
In fact I can't name 1 womans league but i can mame several mens leagues. FIFA World Cup, La Liga, Barclays Premier League... and many many more. Stop trying to push an agenda and face facts.
· 8 years ago
Also, it mentions the olympics whixh is not even primarily a soccer event which is irrelevant then to the statistics. I watch a bunch of sports I never watch during the olympics.
Ronaldo is such a big fat pussy, soccer is nothing but fucking drama "aah he touched me, meeeeh sue him", that's why i don't watch it, pure bullshit.
· 8 years ago
@isuck479 i want you to find at least 3 articles that prove mens soccer is more watched than women's. back up your claims with sources, because the only points you've made have been opinionated and not factual
also fifa has both sexes. it's not just men.
first of all, there are no sources to the links to back their sourcing
secondly, the same goes for the second link, and they only account for one league according to the attendance of the game, not the other factors.
the third link even says that the woman's soccer game ranked in more views than any other game in history, and it goes off to go out of the soccer category to try and back it's claim.
Well you can't argue with someone who doesn't have an open mind :) but I will explain those questions you have.
As to the sources, it lists them as CNN, FOX, etc as their viewers for those games. What other factors are you talking about?
And only one league is because that is the base league for the US Womens National team.
And yes as I said with the third link there was ONE game where it was watched more. No one is disputing that, however, that was ONE game.
Just curious, do you have 3 sources showing womens soccer is watched more than mens?
Men's soccer is watched more then women's, I've seen many men's soccer games and very few women's. it's like how women's volleyball teams are shown a lot more then men's
· 8 years ago
Dude like I said maybe in the US but not internationally.
· 8 years ago
Idk why i'm being downvoted it's the truth. Every article you've linked literally says in the US. It is not more popular than mens soccer. The FIFA World Cup is the most watched sporting event in the world, it's a mens league. The barclays premier league and La Liga are close seconds also both are mens leagues. Those statistcs apply to the US and to the US alone, internationally mens soccer is and has been the most watched sport.
· 8 years ago
There is no direct study (because non-feminists have common sense) but if you look at the ratings of the FIFA World Cup (the male one, not the the FIFA Womans World Cup), is much higher, in 2014 3.2 billion people watched the world cup, only 750 million people watched the woman's world cup IN THE US (AS PER YOUR LINKS),.http://m.fifa.com/worldcup/news/y=2015/m=12/news=2014-fifa-world-cuptm-reached-3-2-billion-viewers-one-billion-watched--2745519.html,
The UK is a central hub for football, they literally host the Barclays Premier league, one of the most important leagues every year. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/jun/21/why-is-the-womens-world-cup-huge-in-the-us-and-sidelined-in-the-uk , this proves that their viewership of female football leagues (the FIFA WWC to be exact) is barely watched in a HUB for soccer.
Again, according to YOUR data provided, mens soccer is still watched more. The barclays premier league is the most watched footbal league in the entire/cont
· 8 years ago
Cont/ world https://www.google.com/search?&q=how+many+people+watch+the+bsrclays+premier+league and it is a MALE FOOTBALL LEAGUE.
With common sense and logic I was able to derail your whole argument mate. Also most of your data provided again, is US only related. And me using international statistics beats both US woman's league views AND internationall woman's views. Also the data comes from 1 event,the other events mentioned are all olympic which is NOT a football event therefore is irrelavant. That one event is the WWC ans that data seemingly is based off the finals rather than the whole league itself. Which again if I have to link (which I won't bevause I think you have common sense, i hope you do) the numbers on the FIFA WC are in fact higher on the finals. And if you're going to complain for higher pay on the views of ONE game, youre unfair if we're pointing fingers. Therefore the pay of male players must go up every final, which is ridiculous.
· 8 years ago
Also to the guest who called me a "sad little man' the only sad people here are yall for buying into a shitty non-problem that 3rd wave feminism constantly perpetuates. Woman are no longer victims of mass unfair treatement. Stop using a victim card, start being "strong women" as you so claim you are
Wut. You keep replying XD, and pulling out huffpost? Noice. I bet you think sharing their articles make you a "liberal". Feminism is not needed, because feminism has become woman's rights over other rights. Special treatement because you hve a vagina is hypocritical. You don't need feminism you need common sense and decency.
· 8 years ago
Actually I do need feminism. You don't because you're likely a guy. If I can't even get to choose what happens to my body, if I can't get equal job opportunities or get equal pay, if I'm the one blamed if im raped, if I can't dress a certain way because it's not lady like, if I'm mocked for getting mad and having it get blamed on my period, and if I can't do the same things men do because of my sex, then I need feminism.
You may not, but women still need feminism.
Feminism by definition is equality among the sexes, it's not about women being better than men.
This is a tough one. On one hand you have the revenue the teams bring in. The revenue from the men's and the women's isn't the same. This last year the Men's team brought in $73 Million being ranked number #35 in the world while the Women's team, ranked #1 in the world, only brought in $35 Million. So the Women's team brought in about half while being ranked #1 and the Men ranked #35.
On the other hand the Women's team isn't getting as much pay/reimbursement for travel expenses and meals and that's pretty pathetic no matter how you try to spin that one.
Still though it's a little hard to feel bad for the women who, while they still make less than the men, still make $200,000 a year.
This entire thread is Jabberwocky. Men's Football in The US is the single largest sporting event on the planet. Professional and collegiate level games average many more attendees than those silly soccer games in Europe. They also garner many more televised and online viewers. I agree with the OP that women need more respect and more exposure in athletics. I also agree that Euro and some American soccer players are just useless asshats that dive because the refs let it happen. Fine them or give them a red when they fake, institute replay. I've watched teenaged girls playing lacrosse take hits that FIFA players would get carted off for. They get up and play.
also fifa has both sexes. it's not just men.
These are stats on viewers for the US Mens and US Womens during their world cups. Men's was definitely watched more.
In MLS the average attendance was 21,574 per game. The NWSL average was 5,064 a game.
As a side note, when everyone brings up the 2015 Women's World Cup final USA vs Japan, it had more viewers than the NBA finals. It was a one time thing, not a regular thing.
secondly, the same goes for the second link, and they only account for one league according to the attendance of the game, not the other factors.
the third link even says that the woman's soccer game ranked in more views than any other game in history, and it goes off to go out of the soccer category to try and back it's claim.
As to the sources, it lists them as CNN, FOX, etc as their viewers for those games. What other factors are you talking about?
And only one league is because that is the base league for the US Womens National team.
And yes as I said with the third link there was ONE game where it was watched more. No one is disputing that, however, that was ONE game.
Just curious, do you have 3 sources showing womens soccer is watched more than mens?
The UK is a central hub for football, they literally host the Barclays Premier league, one of the most important leagues every year. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/jun/21/why-is-the-womens-world-cup-huge-in-the-us-and-sidelined-in-the-uk , this proves that their viewership of female football leagues (the FIFA WWC to be exact) is barely watched in a HUB for soccer.
Again, according to YOUR data provided, mens soccer is still watched more. The barclays premier league is the most watched footbal league in the entire/cont
With common sense and logic I was able to derail your whole argument mate. Also most of your data provided again, is US only related. And me using international statistics beats both US woman's league views AND internationall woman's views. Also the data comes from 1 event,the other events mentioned are all olympic which is NOT a football event therefore is irrelavant. That one event is the WWC ans that data seemingly is based off the finals rather than the whole league itself. Which again if I have to link (which I won't bevause I think you have common sense, i hope you do) the numbers on the FIFA WC are in fact higher on the finals. And if you're going to complain for higher pay on the views of ONE game, youre unfair if we're pointing fingers. Therefore the pay of male players must go up every final, which is ridiculous.
https://www.bustle.com/articles/112596-5-reasons-we-still-need-feminism is why we still need feminism in this day and age. it might bot be as bad at a few years ago, but it's still needed
and you're the sad little man seeing as how you have nothing better to do than keep commenting on this thread over and over again.
You may not, but women still need feminism.
Feminism by definition is equality among the sexes, it's not about women being better than men.
On the other hand the Women's team isn't getting as much pay/reimbursement for travel expenses and meals and that's pretty pathetic no matter how you try to spin that one.
Still though it's a little hard to feel bad for the women who, while they still make less than the men, still make $200,000 a year.
try a real sport