Y'all are going to downvote the shit out of me, but whatever. I just want to point out that the problem is not so much the historical fact of slavery but the present reality of continued inequality that has persisted, aided and abetted by those in positions of power, since emancipation.
Can you name some examples of this persistent equality that is still being faced today that isn't faced by other races or not able to be explained another way ?
And need I remind you that there were more white slaves and Brazil had far far more black slaves at the same time but no one is hating on Brazilians ?
· 8 years ago
And the fact that black people sold other black people into slavery for things like guns and rum?
And that other races have enslaved and sold other races and no one is giving them shit for it. Black people are literally being killed and orphaned by other black people in Africa right now but I'm supposed to feel bad over what other white people's ancestors did ?
Also, not all white people are in America. There are millions in other countries but yet are they supposed to let themselves get shit on because of people deciding they're gonna get mad over something that ended over a hundred years ago ?
· 8 years ago
Not to mention the fact that people of all races are still slaves in some parts of the world. SJWs only care if it was white people that enslaved others, no exceptions.
Honestly they're so US centric it's annoying and a bit disgusting
" Free the nipple/slut walk/too much slutty armor in games !!!!!1111!1!!!!" but silence about the child brides and women getting acid thrown in their faces
· 8 years ago
If they actually cared about women's rights, LGBT rights, all that good stuff you'd see them risking their lives to help people. But they don't. Many SJWs endorse Islam, a religion that openly oppresses women and kills gay people. But I'm getting off track here.
Oh I'd also like to point out that some things claimed as racist aren't always racist. You might not have gotten the job cause someone was better qualified. You probably had too shit of a credit rating to get that loan for that car or house. Maybe you were being a little shit in class or didn't do your work and that's why you got sent to detention/suspended. Maybe you would have gotten that date had you not been blaming other people for your lack of being a functioning adult and decided to take some of the blame onto onto yourself like a reasonable person.
Some examples of persistent inequality are the terrible public schools that serve mostly black/minority students as opposed to neighboring districts that serve non minority students, the fact that young black/Latino men are jailed as much higher rates than white men for the same crimes, and inequalities in hiring that have been demonstrated in studies such as the one that showed that the same resume is more likely to get an interview if there's a white sounding name at the top than a black sounding one.
Second, talk about the discrepencies/hypocrisies in the way people portray slavery all you want. I agree that that's another part of history that tends to be oversimplified. That's my point, it's not about slavery. Slavery just marked the beginning of a timeline that has not reached equality yet.
Not sure what the bit about feminists being US-centric is doing in this conversation, but for racial justice groups I'd like to point to the third world liberation front as globalists
the quran has said that women and men are equal, islam doesnt oppress woman anymore than christianity, the bible does impose certain rules which would now be considered oppresive to women (yes i know most of us dont follow that) it is how people interpret the quran. it is only when a woman chooses to wear the hijab (yes they have a choice) they have rules as to their clothing. while i understand the reality of it is different in some countries, there are many muslim countries which are not oppressive. so yeah while there are some islmic fanatics who intepret the quran in their own twisted way, there are many more calm and peaceful people who follow a beautiful religion. so please dont judge a religion on the basis of some idiots.
And need I remind you that there were more white slaves and Brazil had far far more black slaves at the same time but no one is hating on Brazilians ?
Also, not all white people are in America. There are millions in other countries but yet are they supposed to let themselves get shit on because of people deciding they're gonna get mad over something that ended over a hundred years ago ?
" Free the nipple/slut walk/too much slutty armor in games !!!!!1111!1!!!!" but silence about the child brides and women getting acid thrown in their faces
Second, talk about the discrepencies/hypocrisies in the way people portray slavery all you want. I agree that that's another part of history that tends to be oversimplified. That's my point, it's not about slavery. Slavery just marked the beginning of a timeline that has not reached equality yet.
Not sure what the bit about feminists being US-centric is doing in this conversation, but for racial justice groups I'd like to point to the third world liberation front as globalists