This looks just like that capsule from Earthbound... the one where you imprison that one kid forever.
· 8 years ago
want to know the secret to making money? find a fear and exploit it. now i am not saying this wont save lives, i am just saying that is how you make money. after 9-11 many new security companies started to pop up.
Btw I just reread what I wrote, and just to be clear, I am not saying I hate that you personally are right lol, but it's sad that it does seem to be true that there does seem to be alot of moneymaking opportunities in the fear business.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
if it makes you feel any better this goes further to exploiting natural instincts. life preservation, reproduction, food and ease of life. all are good ways to make money, but fear, fear is the easiest.
Do you just get inside and hope you dont die?