The people who made fun of Lebron James for having a leg cramp obviously have never experienced one. Charley horses (which is what specifically happened) will make your calf muscle go through hell. It's like the muscle balls up into an intricate knot and the knot keeps getting tighter and the tightness pulses. And even when goes away from lots of stretching, your calf will be super sore for a few days.
As a swimmer I am known to experience those fantastic calf cramps seen by outsiders as a agonizing throbbing mess of muscle. It is impossible to stretch it by myself, i am pulled out of the pool and someone massages out the cramp/stretches the leg. The cramp has been seen growing out to the toes and into the thigh. The pain is horrendous and normally lasts several days.
That is NOT how you revive Periodsubstance.