Because we spout the most bullshit between all our denominations. I don't hear much about Islam except aloha snackburr but that's a radical minority. And the Jews are like "no fuck you this is our religion piss off you can't join" or something like that. And BLM, KKK, Scientology, and Pastafarianism aren't even religions so their bullshit doesn't count.
· 8 years ago
Plus Christians usually tell you they're Christian like vegans.
because they all know God exists but some childhood trauma caused them to hate God so they want to keep as many people away from the Lord as possible!
· 8 years ago
The only reason people are starving in the world is because other people (whether politicians, strangers whatever) won't help them. If humankind came together we could probably put an end to world hunger
We are helping them.
The problem is that our aid is intercepted by warlords, militias, and jerks in ivory towers.
We aren't willing to bloody our hands, so things only stay the same or get worse.
· 8 years ago
True, it's almost as if they are trying to make things worst or don't realize that we are trying to help
I got my stat off a magazine or something several years back.
· 8 years ago
God is somehow responsible for us? He holds responsibility, we give him tasks to complete? That's not how religion or God works. He isn't a slave, he isn't our magic wand. We are supposed to fix our messes with God's guidance. That's how it works. If you are going to criticize a religion educate yourself on it just like I criticize science because I learnt in school about it because i was educated in it.
The belief I find the weirdest is the one that thinks that first, there was nothing, then matter spontaneously came into existence. There was no life, but enough of the right chemicals were in proximity to a lightning bolt, so single-cell life was generated by coincidence. Then, with no guidance or design, things moved from a low state of order to a higher stater of order (single cell life-->mammals-->intelligent life). I mean, when in life do things become *more* organized simply by coincidence? "Oh, it might violate the second law of thermodynamics," they say, "but over billions of years it somehow works out." These "believers" claim to follow the Scientific Method, but can't point to a single *observed* example of this "changing to a higher order" in actual life. I mean, how can these people expect to be taken seriously?
but where did the mass come from? if us believing God came from nowhere is silly why is you saying that everything came from nothing scientific?!? yes, I have considered that. so has kent Hovind and we both conclude that both viewpoints are a religion and run on faith and not scientific fact
Interestingly enough, everybody's laughing about "what two people do in bed," and yet among that same group they're all incredibly aghast when some guy cheats on his girlfriend. "That's so TERRIBLE," they say, while telling everyone else not to be judgmental.
The problem is that our aid is intercepted by warlords, militias, and jerks in ivory towers.
We aren't willing to bloody our hands, so things only stay the same or get worse.