An advantage of a couple million really isn't much in a nation of hundreds of millions.
Especially when you consider how many people didn't vote, or threw the vote away.
Services provided by Planned Parenthood, besides Abortion Referral, include HIV testing, both Men and Women's Health Care, STD testing, treatment, and vaccines, Birth Control, Cancer Screenings, Basic Checkups for all ages.
As well as Anemia, Cholesterol, Diabetes, high blood pressure, and thyroid screenings. They also offer flu shots, sports medicine, and help with quitting smoking at an affordable and accessible rate. Abortion makes up only a third of the services asked of them.
Teen Pregnancy has reached an all time low as well, in the last four years.
· 8 years ago
Nobody is denying that planned parenthood does stuff other than abortions. But should it be government funded though? These things can be done at a hospital. Sorta seems like a money grab imo.
Hospitals have been proven by women that they are impersonal and intruding. A friend of mine used to have such bad period cramps that she couldn't walk, hospitals, and the doctors there asked invasive questions and in the end denied her of any help. Planned Parenthood excepted her plea easily with very little questions and found a medication to solve her problem the same day. Anf if I may reiterate: They offer all these services at an AFFORDABLE and EASILY ACCESSIBLE rate. EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE INSURANCE
Especially when you consider how many people didn't vote, or threw the vote away.
Either way, it'd still be cheaper than a baby.
As well as Anemia, Cholesterol, Diabetes, high blood pressure, and thyroid screenings. They also offer flu shots, sports medicine, and help with quitting smoking at an affordable and accessible rate. Abortion makes up only a third of the services asked of them.
Teen Pregnancy has reached an all time low as well, in the last four years.