He is elected but mostly by uneducated people who live in poverty because he promises change. Just before election time he goes to the rural areas and does his rounds and then for four more years he does absolutely nothing.
To be completely fair, when poor people vote for him, to them, they're not actually voting for HIM, they're voting for the ANC which has been in power since the fall of apartheid. Im not condoning him or the people who vote for him, but essentially,they feel theyd much rather have him in power than put SA under the yolk of a white man again.
Haha very funny. But no, I would never want to be president
· 8 years ago
He's not part of the communist party whoever said that. The anc has something called the tripartheid aliance which is the ANC, SACP and the Unions. These 3 all fought against the systemic racism in apartheid and formed this alliance to ensure all votes went the ANC's way. The SACP and the people who own the unions direct their voters/clients to the anc during election periods in exchange for power. Jacob zuma WAS a very good man who stopped a mass culture war between the zulus and xhosas (not sure if it was the xhosas) during apartheid, also played a role in the durban uprising. But now he continues to run our country to the ground. Blaming it on white people and allows cabinet members to blatantly incite viokence and call for white genocide. The black south africans vote anc because it was run by good people, past tense. They now have a better opposition who dont get the vote for the soul reason that they believe white people can have a say in government.
2018 I think. Even so. ANC alwayd wins. Although there is a new party called the EFF, but they're a bunch of people who sing about white genocide. The part7 leader said, "We do not want to kill all white people, yet." That's an actual fucing quote.
Killing all white people would make them just the same as the white people who previously persecuted them. I don't get how people don't see that
· 8 years ago
Is that what the world believes? Although YES there were incidents of just straight killing based on skin colour, that was not the premise of apartheid. Those killings only happened during protests/riots and were used by the government to send a message. But in no way did they plan on genocide. In fact many believe, both black and white, that racial tension has increased rather than decreased.
What white nonsense is this? Apartheid killings started long before the riots, poc were considered inferior and thus their life meant nothing. The killings started on a larger scale after protest action. Also, the "call for white genocide" was called for by EFF members and ANCYL members. Not ANC members, and it was sparked after numerous acts of racism and abuse by white people made the news. Everything elseis just that black people want their land back, land stolen from them from white people who didn't deserve it, which is why so man african natives live in poverty. They want redistribution, not to get rid of white people.
Fact of the matter is, white people ARE responsible for the inequality in south africa and every single year they show us more and more how racist they can be. The last call to violence as you call it only happened after the video of two white farmers forcing a farm hand into a coffin with a snake and fire went viral.
Deadpool you say that like South Africa is the only place in Africa where there is tension between ethnicities. White people certainly didn't cause the problems in Rwanda.
I get what you're saying, but any attempt to justify or excuse violence to any degree because of a few instances that got a lot of attention is silly and dangerous. If black people are just going to be reactionary and respond to any perceived abuse they receive 10 times over, how is anything going to get any better? It's just going to be more of the same.
Whites in South Africa certainly aren't blameless. But pretending they are the cause of all of SA's problems is nonsense.
LMAO a white person calling a POC racist for stating the facts? Thats fresh. Look dumbass, whatever i stated was specific to South Africa. And it is an actual fact that white people are responsible for the majority of the inequality in south africa, pick up a history book, maybe you'll learn something. And I'm sorry but physically and mentally torturing someone by forcing them into a coffin containing a live snake and then setting it on fire isnt percieved racist action. Unless youve ever been in a position of being disadvantaged, you'd never understand their reasons for protesting. The fear of going back into a state of oppression (by white people mind you ) is enough to cause them to fight against it. Apartheid was caused by white people. The land redistribution that caused 100s of 1000s of natives to lose their land? White people. The countrys natural resources being stripped? Also white people. Forcing the natives to learn in a language they dont understand? White people again.
But they're so focused on hating the white people that they don't stop to notice that their own leaders are the ones screwing them over.
South Africans, especially black South Africans, are too caught up in race to see the real problem.
Lmao does your ass get jealous of all your kak praat? South Africans KnOW their leaders are corrupt, but the fact that theyd rather let a corrupt black person rule rather than let a white person back into power says a lot about how white people fucked up the country. And no, they're caught up in trying to get back what is righfully theirs so they can progress with their lives instead of being at a disadvantage. A disadvantage caused by white people. It doesnt help that white people have taken the grace granted to them, because not a single one was punished for their apartheid crimes, and used it to brand themselves victims and cry racism every time a PoC asks for what is in actual fact rightfully theirs.
· 8 years ago
"Not a single one was punished for their apartheid crimes" you fuckin idiot yes they were. And you keep exclaiming white people like every white persob was in on this. i still get harassed by afrikaners for being portuguese but ay fuck me i'm white it dont matter. My father has scars from times afrikaners picked fights. You are a clear racist friend, have some vendetta aginst white people while noy even experincing one bit of the struggle people in apartheid actually went through. And you know what, the people who went through the struggle had enough fuckin balls to be better human beings and not persecute innocent white people. And no, black people wont vote for a white person because they're afraid of a genocide against them, my school mates have continously told me that their parents feel that way. Man fuck your bigotry.
An Ex president of the United States has also been accused of rape, several counts in fact, and he and his wife have destroyed the careers of reputations of those women who came forward to make those accusations. This ex president and his wife also use their political power to "encourage" nations and individuals to make "donations" to their foundation in order to have access to The political process. This ex president would think that foreign president's mere six mistresses cause him to be an amateur. One of his last acts in office was to pardon a billionaire tax cheat who had fled the United States and then that tax cheat (Marc Rich) made donations to his presidential library fund, to his wife's Senate campaign and to his political party. What a coincidence.
· 8 years ago
Mate this is only a small amount of things zuma has done. He is way worse than clinton
Biiitch please. All you have are conspiracy theories. The Guptas have enough influence not to need to kill anyone. Helen Zille, that snake, would be more likely to do something like that.
I get what you're saying, but any attempt to justify or excuse violence to any degree because of a few instances that got a lot of attention is silly and dangerous. If black people are just going to be reactionary and respond to any perceived abuse they receive 10 times over, how is anything going to get any better? It's just going to be more of the same.
Whites in South Africa certainly aren't blameless. But pretending they are the cause of all of SA's problems is nonsense.
South Africans, especially black South Africans, are too caught up in race to see the real problem.