Canada is part of the commonwealth and is using the metric system. The USA fought a war to be liberate from the British crown and still uses measurements based on the body limbs of an English king. Find the mistake.
Easier to remember conversions? For example, it's easier to remember the conversion of a meter and a kilometer rather than it is to remember the conversion of a foot into a mile.
It's also really easy to just google that information or have it written down somewhere. What situation could one be in in which they need to convert one value into another, but they do not have their phone or some similar device at hand?
· 8 years ago
I say it's better to not have to rely on some device and to have actually memorized the conversion. for instance, I can remember moving a decimal place to convert between meters and kilometers rather than remembering exactly how many feet are in a mile.
Well, Fahrenheit starts with 'F,' just like FREEDOM.
Celsius starts with 'C,' just like communism.
Metric system as a ploy to spread communism in America confirmed
I would just like to point out that isn't an option because it would be expensive as fuck, imagine all the things that would have to be recalled and corrected
Celsius starts with 'C,' just like communism.
Metric system as a ploy to spread communism in America confirmed