So is entering a country illegally... ..They just have to work off the amount it cost to send them back ... then it's adios.. that's the 1st time ...if they catch you back in this country you are put on a special crew that dosent get to leave till the border is secure... "secure";)
Entering the country to get a better life. I wish they wouldn't do it illegally, but anyone who can see that America is a good country and doesn't cause problems are cool in my book.
Obviously, but that's true of anyone. There will always be fucked up people, in America, in Mexico, in Canada; but isn't it worth saving people? If there is a Mexican criminal, then deport that person. If they have done no harm, then keep them and let them contribute to the economy.
What? If there is a criminal in general, then I do not like that person. If the person is innocent, then I say we let that person stay. I like Mexicans just as much as I like anyone else.
Thank you.What will happen if I enter an EU country illegally?
If you enter an EU country without permission, for example by evading border controls or by using fake documents, you could risk being sent back to your country.
If you enter the EU as a victim of human trafficking, which is the illegal trade in human beings, you could be subject to forced labour, sexual exploitation or forced to engage in criminal activities.. .....fucking European Union
Plenty of countries have walls to keep illegal immigrants out, it's not a shitty thing to do
He's not banning an entire faith, he's limiting numbers of immigrants which has been done in the past, and he is only deporting ILLEGALS
· 8 years ago
It's a shitty thing to do when it'd be an enormous allocation of money that could go elsewhere
If you wanna talk about money just remember how the left raised over six million to do a recount of the popular vote ( when that doesn't matter towards who becomes president, and later on finding out Hillary had thousands of votes that weren't legal votes ) instead of spending it on something that mattered like the Flint crisis.
But this isn't the left vs the right? It's just people wanting the wall money to do something more productive.
I'm not even disagreeing with you, so don't get triggered here.
Idk about the only deporting "illegals" after all a lot of green card holders were stoped from going back to their homes after a trip just the other day
@badasslatina EVERYONE THAT WAS DETAINED FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN CLEARED AND ON THEIR WAY. That's the whole point of this - to take time to investigate and clear people before simply letting unknowns in!
Cities in the US with the strongest gun control are the cities with the most gun violence, and violence of all types. Something other than just the presence of guns is the reason for the violence.
Oh and for those of you too brainwashed to comprehend anything but twitterfied Trump hate: according to a poll just released today his "Muslim ban" and the wall only have 35 percent disapproval. So... Yeah; bad guy with bad ideas.
I'd rather have the wall money fund education than deporting illegal immigrants. To me, it seems like these illegal immigrants are escaping to America and we should try to accommodate them into our communities. I just hate the idea of sending children back to places where they are unsafe, or splitting apart families because the mum isn't legal yet. At the very least, perhaps they could make citizenship more accessible so illegal immigrants are less of a problem.
It would be. But college tuition is so high today partially because the government started giving more and more money to people to help them pay for tuition. When that happens, colleges just make it more expensive. And really the best school aren't state funded. They're private schools.
It would be nice to have cheaper options for further education, yes I can agree with you on that. People shouldn't have to go into debt they'll never get out of, or take years paying it off because they don't want to end up flipping burgers forever.
The thing is why should we have to pay for illegal immigrants ? It'd be one thing if they were coming in illegally then start the process, but you get so many who come in, have anchor babies and never even try to fill out the starting paperwork. They then never assimilate, which you SHOULD do if you're entering a country to live in, so now people are having to be bilingual in a country where most people speak English, because illegal people refuse to learn the language, or have to have their kids translate for them.
Why would they when we aren't making them before giving them all the "benefits" of citizenship? Hell Obama ran TV ads in Mexico explaining how to get welfare once they sneak across the border!
I found this in less than 2 seconds. That googly gizmo is magic!!!
Anyway, this isn't the same stat I saw awhile back, but the point is the same.
Keep in mind I'm only referencing federal taxes. Every state, county, and municipality have different tax codes that vary widely. This is why the proposal for a flat tax rate, or even a European style national VAT makes a lot of sense, and I could support such a change except that the politicians would find a way to get a sales tax ON TOP Of the rest of the taxes.
What if, instead of a spending huge amounts on the wall, we changed our taxing system? Anyway, I did google it; I just want to see what you're looking at so we're on the same page.
I just felt like trolling you a bit. Like I said this isn't what I was referring to. I don't know if what I saw awhile back was wrong, if this figure is wrong, or if I may have been conflating the numbers if those who don't pay taxes and those who are on some form of government welfare. Regardless, that's a lot of "freeloaders" that the rest of us have to pay for.
I'm all for changing (and hopefully simplifying) our tax code. For one thing I think that if everyone had to pay taxes they would probably vote a little more carefully. But we can fix our tax problems and fix our immigration problems at the same time. They have nothing to do with each other.
Why can't people realize that he did not ban a religion? That's utter bullshit. The most populous Muslim countries in the world were not part of the ban.
Personally, I believe everyone is good at heart. I'm an optimist. I don't see why you're getting offended at Arabesque. It seems like you're the one painting the broad brush and assuming everyone is a terrorist. And Arabesque is right; it's not a political question; it's a philosophical and highly OPINIONATED (not factual) matter.
I'm upset! I'm afraid we're not compassionate enough! I'm scared that the world is too apathetic and more genocides will build up and occur! I'm absolutely terrified because I'm too tender-hearted for this spiked steel Earth! There's no room for empathy when we're too concerned about money! Yes, money is important and vital but please! There's people suffering and here we are bitching about how they cost us money? I hate this! I dislike Trump because he's so focused on economics that he misses the humanity! I can't stand it! How can we stand aside and allow people to live in squalor when we have the means to help?
My goal in life is to become affluent enough to afford to be able to volunteer or sponsor or donate to charities. At the moment, I'm dirt poor but I'm working my ass off in school. I'm trying to get a scholarship and become a pharmacist or a chemist. I'm trying. I want to help but I can't right now.
This was a rant. tl;dr: I'm losing my mind because we're too apathetic.
But I don't see how a temporary ban will lead to genocide (isis is on a genocide towards gays, christians, and everyone who disagrees with them btw) And I don't think we're being as apathetic as people think. There's many reasons for the ban. Temporary ban. It's waaaaay too soon to jump to conclusions.
Hey guest, quick question: you said you want to be financially successful in life so that you can help others. What makes you think we can help others as a country when we arent financially sound?
How about being a clueless idiot?...Oh never mind, I see you've got that covered.
· 8 years ago
everyone is so butthurt over trump reenacting obama's temp ban on countries. "trumps muslim ban" isn't Trumps, isn't a ban and doesn't focus on muslims specifically. morons
Keeping the us citizens safe is hard, so lets work on more *realistic* goals like giving surnames to people who hate being labled, organizing rallies because you cant comprehend the electoral college, and spending absurd amounts of money manufacturing an unprecedented presidential smear campaign because you lost touch with your voting base, got your a$$es handed to you in the election, and now look like idiots.
If you enter an EU country without permission, for example by evading border controls or by using fake documents, you could risk being sent back to your country.
If you enter the EU as a victim of human trafficking, which is the illegal trade in human beings, you could be subject to forced labour, sexual exploitation or forced to engage in criminal activities.. .....fucking European Union
He's not banning an entire faith, he's limiting numbers of immigrants which has been done in the past, and he is only deporting ILLEGALS
I'm not even disagreeing with you, so don't get triggered here.
The thing is why should we have to pay for illegal immigrants ? It'd be one thing if they were coming in illegally then start the process, but you get so many who come in, have anchor babies and never even try to fill out the starting paperwork. They then never assimilate, which you SHOULD do if you're entering a country to live in, so now people are having to be bilingual in a country where most people speak English, because illegal people refuse to learn the language, or have to have their kids translate for them.
Anyway, this isn't the same stat I saw awhile back, but the point is the same.
Keep in mind I'm only referencing federal taxes. Every state, county, and municipality have different tax codes that vary widely. This is why the proposal for a flat tax rate, or even a European style national VAT makes a lot of sense, and I could support such a change except that the politicians would find a way to get a sales tax ON TOP Of the rest of the taxes.
I'm all for changing (and hopefully simplifying) our tax code. For one thing I think that if everyone had to pay taxes they would probably vote a little more carefully. But we can fix our tax problems and fix our immigration problems at the same time. They have nothing to do with each other.
My goal in life is to become affluent enough to afford to be able to volunteer or sponsor or donate to charities. At the moment, I'm dirt poor but I'm working my ass off in school. I'm trying to get a scholarship and become a pharmacist or a chemist. I'm trying. I want to help but I can't right now.
This was a rant. tl;dr: I'm losing my mind because we're too apathetic.