Right, public servants have ( in my opinion ) the MOST important jobs. They keep us safe and the younger generations educated, but not everyone wants to go into those fields if they'll be living paycheck to paycheck. So they should honestly put more towards them.
Exactly. Plus, in public school about 9-10k is spent onna single child. That's a lot. Would you rather pay a small percentage in taxes or instead of taxes, pay each government service by itself ( so all schools need to be paid to get into, and you get a bill for cops and firemen )
actually taxes are to pay back with the interest the money borrowed for public service, that is the real problem every doller spent has interest on it so we are basically in a perpetual debt system
Sure but the argument is that they take it whether you want them to or not. If I constantly stole money from you and used it to pay your phone bill for a phone you don't necessarily use, it's still theft.
Well that would be a good argument if people didn't use what was done with the money. Everyone uses roads, gets their mail, goes to school, among other things. All of this is through your taxes, otherwise you would have to pay like you do on toll roads just to drive your car or all schools would be private since you would have to pay tuition and that makes it much more expensive.
You use victims as if they're taking every penny and spending on frivolous things. Taxes are a necessary evil. Yes we don't get to choose if we want to pay them or not, but don't act like you don't get anything from paying for it. They aren't taking your money to just throw it away they are spending YOUR money on YOU by providing you with services that make your life better.
I think they just took an image of career people, not specific ones. They also don't pay for construction workers or businessmen but those are also there.
My government pays for my doctor visits, governments pay for construction of public works, and the business man might be a public defender or something.