Evolution? Human beings didn't just "happen". We're made in the likeness of God's image; intelligently designed to have 10 fingers, and that's just for starters... An Evolutionist's argument falls flat on its face in light of the irrefutable evidence of God's intelligent creation - us.
So denying scientific observation and hypothesis by saying 'but we're so advanced how can we possibly have evolved!!' is NOT ignorance? Plus the bible never says that evolution is false. What if god's tool to create life was through evolution? Willfully blind people are the worst imo
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
How do we know God designed man in his image? Maybe he didn't. Maybe he looks like a lizard and designed them in his image.
Lmao we have thousands of years proof evolution exists, and all you have is a book? I mean, I'm not gonna offend your beliefs but evolution definitely fucking exists. I don't believe in a God. How do I fall flat on my face?
Also, hey, you're the kind of Christian that we complain about, that kind that has to find a way to mention God in anything. Like, wow look at that apple! It's God's majesty! Most of us don't appreciate people preaching beliefs everywhere. Sorry if I've offended you.
*jacks off*