no I mean foot ball the other stuff is called soccer not football
· 8 years ago
the inventors of the standard rules that are universally used in soccer, are also the people who coined to term soccer it was derived from the name association football. football in general is a term used for many, many games throughout history. the fact that American football never changed it's name, yet soccer did. means that American football holds its right to use the term. even going from there it is American football and we are in America, so shortening it to football makes sense. where as association football (soccer) should be referred to soccer, or while in the states "association football"
Yes. That's how you call that. We have WORLD championships in chvarak making,belmuz making....Whatever autochton local dish you take that nobody else makes and call it world. Or "international" karate championship with only three states participating
Is it though? Is this really evidence of American arrogance or something? It's called a world championship because the best players of the sport in the entire world play in the NFL, so it stands to reason that the best team of the best players of the sport in the entire world would be deemed the world champions. This is similarly why the MLB calls it's championship the World Series, because the best baseball players on the planet play in America.
If the players they compete against are the only ones in the world, then yes technically it is the world championship.