So that site says that organic food is as healthy as non-organic food, but in some situations, organics might be better, and anyone who thinks otherwise is sponsored by the corporations.
Needless to say, I'm not convinced.
They taste exactly the same. There is no proof of any difference in nutritional value. And aside from the extra fingers I've grown from the GMOs I can see no difference... Except that produce and meat marked "organic" are three times more expensive.
· 8 years ago
even GMOs there is no real study proving anything bad with GMOs. people are still hung up on the tests we did during the genome project. rat DNA in tomatoes, yes we did that, but it was never for human consumption. it was to understand the effects DNA had on different things. environmental problems? nope, these people spend decades of research and multi-millions sometimes billions into creating their "product". the "product" is sterile and can't reproduce. it is a way to preserve their patent and rights of manufacturing. GMOs saved Hawaii. their avocados were dying from a virus, we stopped it with GMOs and saved their economy. look up golden rice and how people don't want us to give it to third world countries. we can save millions from starvation and vitamin a deficiencies.
Organic food is not BS in anyway. When it comes to animals it's actually pretty big because non organic food can mean that the beef or chicken or whatever was fed antibiotics to make them less likely to get diseases. But the problem with this is that if you feed people animals that have been given antibiotics and what not, then this causes the bacteria it is targeting to build a resistance to the antibiotics before even getting to the humans. Thus making antibiotics useless when needed. It's a pretty big issue in the healthcare and pharmacy industries. GMOs could just mean that they were genetically chosen meaning they chose one cow to breed with another. Not necessarily any time of genetic alterations in terms of humans editing them or feeding them any weird chemicals to alter them.
· 8 years ago
i agree that we need to keep down the antibiotics. fun fact. antibiotics also help in making animals grow faster and larger. there is even studies trying to see if it has the same effect on people. this maybe why so many kids are taller now-a-days. anyway, the thing is antibiotic free isn't exclusive to organic foods. many brands make it their marketing campaign to be antibiotic free.
Needless to say, I'm not convinced.