Let's see what we can do with this comment thread. We have butt hurt, elaborate, triggered, snowflakes. Cold snowflakes twinkle in the light like diamonds or rhinestones. A bedazzler is triggered to operate it. So are you trying to say that somebody has an elaborately bedazzled anus?
No he's saying the people calling the snowflakes snowflakes are hypocrites because they themselves then whine about these things.
I'm saying it's actually those very snowflakes who are whining about the things listed here.
I thought we were discussing snowflakes, not politics snookums.
Whiney ass little bitches come in all stripes; millennials are millennials after all. And the Starbucks flap was so-called "Christians" stirring shit because that's what they do. None of these examples are ideological. This isn't a matter of Republicans versus Democrats. These people are simply symptoms of the social media illness.
· 8 years ago
Might I ask what year you were born?
And technically it is political?? That's why I posted it????? To show hypocracy???????
Why would liberals, a good portion of which are atheist anyways, whine about a Broadway show preaching equality with Mike pence there, a red holiday cup, a show making fun of trump and republicans, a female lead, and and a beer ad about German immigrants? We wouldn't, that's on you, the republicans.
Sure I understand your position with the post, I just meant the particular conversation was about snowflakes specifically, which are necessarily only liberal.
And as I said whiney asses aren't confined to any particular political ideology, and these Christian troublemakers are just as likely to vote Democrat as Republican.
· 8 years ago
You still haven't answered my question.
I swear, y'all find reasons to complain about millennials with topics that aren't about them.
And btw, they tend to lean towards republican.
1 - what question haven't I answered?
2 - who leans Republican?
3 - "snowflakes" are millennials. Particularly younger college age millennials. Whiney troublemakers may be of any age.
4 - because I just noticed this; I just want to say I am not the one downvoting your comments here.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
What year were you born in. Literally the first question in the previous reply.
Oh and also
2. The people who complained about the shot above lean republican.
3. Snowflakes are flakes of frozen water that fall from the sky. You call millenials snowflakes because they have a voice that you disagree with.
No, the snowflake label does not mean "they have a voice I disagree with". It has to do with the belief that every snowflake is unique and special. There is an entire generation that has been raised to believe that they are all special and the world needs to care what they have to say and they get what they want by throwing tantrums and demanding answers. "I asked a question. I expect an answer", he owes you nothing. You are just like 7billion other sacks of meat on this planet and are in no position to demand anything. If you are going to get all butthurt about an expression at least understand what it means.
I was born in 1973.
I am a Virgo.
I'm 6 feet tall.
I like long walks on the beach, cuddling, and I'm not afraid to cry during a chick flick.
· 8 years ago
Honey you do understand you literally said "raised to believe they are special"
Why is it you pester them, and you make them feel like shit, when it's the former generations shitty parenting techniques that made them this way.
People can't just change like you think it will through humiliation, children are impressionable, and they hold onto the thoughts and ideas their parents give them throughout their whole lives.
Going with LOGIC, wouldn't it make more sense to go after the baby boomers?
I'm well aware we'we not all special, but even with your whole "special snowflake" shit, that doesn't make sense, as there's not unlimited types of snowflakes.
And he's the one that replied in the first place and decided to be a smart ass, the least he could do is give me a fucking answer.
· 8 years ago
Then that means you're the generation that raised millennials, the ones with failed parenting techniques, and the ones that made everyone think they were special.
Maybe you should be looking at your own generation before losing your shit over millennials
And snowflake, it sucks being stereotyped, doesn't it? Tell me about all republicans again?
· 8 years ago
You're not one to talk.
I love how you bring that up, because as soon as I bring up that point that maybe the previous generation is at fault, you change the subject to stereotyping whilst calling me a snowflake, even after I said "not everyone is special". Talk to me like an adult, not a pussy who thinks they're innocent.
Your first 3 comments specifically mention republicans. I thought you were a Berkeley protester and was addressing you as such, my bad. I'll stop.
I'm not sure the accusation, but I probably am innocent.
· 8 years ago
Look, I'm not on either side here, I'm not even a liberal, I'm independent.
But I really do hate hypocrites.
Tell me, how exactly are you any different from these "snowflakes"?
And why do they think this way?
I know I don't matter. Everybody didn't get a trophy when I was a kid, the rare times I won I had to really work for it. My parents didn't hand me things, I had to have jobs. Tantrums were rewarded with with a punishment, not candy or a toy. We had no electronic babysitter. Social interaction was different. At 10 I was cleaning animal stalls at the farm next door.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Now tell me, which generation was the one that raised these kids like that?
Probably some of mine and my parents generations, but it may be less of a generational thing and as much of a regional thing.
· 8 years ago
More or less on the last part.
But wouldn't it make more sense to Fuck with the generations that raised them rather than the millennials that don't know any better?
OK I'll give you that most of the complaints about millennials are not really their fault (your fault?). It is entirely due to the 60's liberal holdovers who screwed up your parents and your teachers who then screwed you up.
I get that and I don't blame millennial snowflakes for how they've turned out. Personally, my issue with "young whipper snappers" is that they spend all day on the interwebs but rarely do any of their own research on the issues dujour. Whatever shows up on your faceplace or tweeter is taken as gospel and never questioned.
If you rescued a dog that was taught to chew shoes would you slap the old owner and live with chewed shoes it or try to train it to stop chewing shoes?
· 8 years ago
I get what you're saying, I agree with you for the most part
But you should still consider that a lot of the time, you to rip on these people who are just doing what they've been taught to. It just kinda fucks them up more, ya know?
Oh and I'm 16, so technically generation X I think.
I do try to stay correctly informed though.
There's a difference between teaching and humiliating. These people aren't going to learn what you want them to by making them feel ashamed of what they've known their whole lives.
And yes, I would slap the old owner.
Look, let's put this into another perspective.
A kid is in a single class for every grade up until senior year. He has no other connections to any other class. His teacher for this class teaches him the wrong material, and he believes that everything he knows is correct, as that's what he's taught.
Finally, senior year, he's transferred to a different class.
His new teacher asks him an easy question that he should know, but his previous teacher taught him the wrong answer.
He answers incorrectly.
All the kids, including the teacher laugh at him and don't bother trying to help him learn the right material
That's what seems to be going on with this whole millennial argument
Now, wouldn't it make more sense for the teacher and students to instead teach him the right material instead of telling him everything he knows is wrong and laughing at him?
While I'm probably as guilty of lamenting the "special snowflakes" and "participation trophy" generations as the next old fogey, I do realize that what you have been taught is what you have been taught. My generation was screwed up by the hippies, but it has gotten progressively worse in the last 40 years. I consider myself a lucky escapee from the indoctrination camps. I was taught a lot of the same BS (yeah this brand of liberalism isn't anything new) but I've always been the type to question everything from "climate change" (back then they said we were going to die from global COOLING) to Bible school. Checking what we were told was harder before the proliferation of the net.
Would you be upset if someone said that they're "alarmed and anxious" that you'll abuse your power and neglect to protect their rights? I think the way some right wingers reacted was childish and pointless (Hamilton boycott) and some of them definitely overreacted. But it makes sense to get only a little salty, as that one line was a serious insult. I think mike pence reacted surprisingly respectfuly, unlike trump.
I'm saying it's actually those very snowflakes who are whining about the things listed here.
Whiney ass little bitches come in all stripes; millennials are millennials after all. And the Starbucks flap was so-called "Christians" stirring shit because that's what they do. None of these examples are ideological. This isn't a matter of Republicans versus Democrats. These people are simply symptoms of the social media illness.
And technically it is political?? That's why I posted it????? To show hypocracy???????
Why would liberals, a good portion of which are atheist anyways, whine about a Broadway show preaching equality with Mike pence there, a red holiday cup, a show making fun of trump and republicans, a female lead, and and a beer ad about German immigrants? We wouldn't, that's on you, the republicans.
And as I said whiney asses aren't confined to any particular political ideology, and these Christian troublemakers are just as likely to vote Democrat as Republican.
I swear, y'all find reasons to complain about millennials with topics that aren't about them.
And btw, they tend to lean towards republican.
2 - who leans Republican?
3 - "snowflakes" are millennials. Particularly younger college age millennials. Whiney troublemakers may be of any age.
4 - because I just noticed this; I just want to say I am not the one downvoting your comments here.
2. The people who complained about the shot above lean republican.
3. Snowflakes are flakes of frozen water that fall from the sky. You call millenials snowflakes because they have a voice that you disagree with.
I am a Virgo.
I'm 6 feet tall.
I like long walks on the beach, cuddling, and I'm not afraid to cry during a chick flick.
Why is it you pester them, and you make them feel like shit, when it's the former generations shitty parenting techniques that made them this way.
People can't just change like you think it will through humiliation, children are impressionable, and they hold onto the thoughts and ideas their parents give them throughout their whole lives.
Going with LOGIC, wouldn't it make more sense to go after the baby boomers?
I'm well aware we'we not all special, but even with your whole "special snowflake" shit, that doesn't make sense, as there's not unlimited types of snowflakes.
And he's the one that replied in the first place and decided to be a smart ass, the least he could do is give me a fucking answer.
Then that means you're the generation that raised millennials, the ones with failed parenting techniques, and the ones that made everyone think they were special.
Maybe you should be looking at your own generation before losing your shit over millennials
I love how you bring that up, because as soon as I bring up that point that maybe the previous generation is at fault, you change the subject to stereotyping whilst calling me a snowflake, even after I said "not everyone is special". Talk to me like an adult, not a pussy who thinks they're innocent.
I'm not sure the accusation, but I probably am innocent.
But I really do hate hypocrites.
Tell me, how exactly are you any different from these "snowflakes"?
And why do they think this way?
But wouldn't it make more sense to Fuck with the generations that raised them rather than the millennials that don't know any better?
I get that and I don't blame millennial snowflakes for how they've turned out. Personally, my issue with "young whipper snappers" is that they spend all day on the interwebs but rarely do any of their own research on the issues dujour. Whatever shows up on your faceplace or tweeter is taken as gospel and never questioned.
I get what you're saying, I agree with you for the most part
But you should still consider that a lot of the time, you to rip on these people who are just doing what they've been taught to. It just kinda fucks them up more, ya know?
Oh and I'm 16, so technically generation X I think.
I do try to stay correctly informed though.
There's a difference between teaching and humiliating. These people aren't going to learn what you want them to by making them feel ashamed of what they've known their whole lives.
And yes, I would slap the old owner.
A kid is in a single class for every grade up until senior year. He has no other connections to any other class. His teacher for this class teaches him the wrong material, and he believes that everything he knows is correct, as that's what he's taught.
Finally, senior year, he's transferred to a different class.
His new teacher asks him an easy question that he should know, but his previous teacher taught him the wrong answer.
He answers incorrectly.
All the kids, including the teacher laugh at him and don't bother trying to help him learn the right material
That's what seems to be going on with this whole millennial argument
Now, wouldn't it make more sense for the teacher and students to instead teach him the right material instead of telling him everything he knows is wrong and laughing at him?