case and point; El Conquistador. Thousands of Mayans killed by Spanish colonizers. And what about the slaughter of millions of Native Americans? Or, the fact that the US dropped 26,171 bombs on seven Muslim majority countries in 2016. We are the barbarians, not them.
· 8 years ago
Idk, we may drop bombs, but we don't behead people or throw gays off buildings.
No one ever likes it when you remind them of that do they?
Ooh but we do shoot elementary school students and elderly churchgoers, rape unconscious women, imprison the mentally ill instead of treating them, and leave our veterans to die on the streets.
*criminals. Criminals do that. Not "we."
Prisons have some degree of mental treatment. Not great, but still better that nothing. Still better than the hell-holes they used to just be thrown in. Unless you'd prefer we just lobotomize people? Doesn't mean we should stop getting better, just that it could be (and was) worse.
"leave our veterans to die on the streets." Of the approximately 21.8 MILLION veterans, there were 50k homeless vets in 2014.
IDK about you guys but 50,000 people willing to lay down their lives for their country not being properly supported by the country that they fought for is truly disheartening ;(
Lauren Southern is of course referring to the Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire, which began with the Romans letting them in and recruiting them into the army, till the Romans Legions were almost entirely made up of Barbarians. That and high taxes, failing economy and a out of touch elites, let to the downfall of the Roman Empire and centuries of the Dark Ages.
The political systems in Star Wars were actually very well done and deeply inspired by modern politics so I can totally see someone use it as an example. I agree with the general statement though, don't use fiction as an example of real goings-on.
· 8 years ago
Only liberals do that, they hold signs up saying "wr are dumbledoors army" and shit like that. It's cringy and inly affirms the conservative belief that liberals believe in fairy tales.
Oh look, a conservative shoving all liberals in the same bag, how original. NOT. I have a liberal mindset but I don't believe in fairy tales, I'm fairly centrist (slightly left leaning though) and I consider myself a critical thinker – I don't play for a team therefore I'm not subjected to collectivism. I know many others who would describe themselves as liberals but aren't SJWs, don't believe that Harry Potter is real and so on. So stop shoving all liberals in the same bag, a'ight?
Also, oh the irony. You speak of fairy tales but aren't conservatives on average much more religious, more precisely fundamentalist Christian, than liberals? As far as I'm concerned Christianity is one giant fairy tale where the "good guy" is a wizard in the sky with authoritarian tendencies. Are you sure that WBC idiots holding signs like "God hates fags" isn't the same as dumbass SJWs holding signs about fucking Dumbledore or whatever?
If only you read a history book you'd know that refusing refugees entry into your country lead to them being shoved into concentration camps, starved and gassed.
Seriously, I don't follow Lauren but I know she's one of the anti-SJW people so we're probably of the same opinion about the SJWs but this statement of hers I disagree with.
Someone pointed this out in the comments already, Lauren is referring to one certain point in history, which is the downfall of the Roman Empire. She's also wrong because the Roman Empire was destroyed by barbarians from the outside, not from the inside, and the beginning of the downfall was influenced by a ton of other factors besides the Romans recruiting barbarians into the army, but let's not mind that right now. So I responded by also referring to only one certain point in history, which is the WWII. I'm not saying people from the Middle East are going to get shoved into gas chambers, I'm simply pointing out that she's just cherrypicking with that statement because she chose only one very specific point in history.
The Romans didn't conquer the Barbarian Invaders, they came from outside the borders of the Roman Empire. Sometimes the Romans were able to defeat them and then let them settle inside the Empire. But overall the Barbarians overwhelmed the defenses of the Empire and forced their way in. And those they had let in ended up carving out their own kingdoms.
No one ever likes it when you remind them of that do they?
Prisons have some degree of mental treatment. Not great, but still better that nothing. Still better than the hell-holes they used to just be thrown in. Unless you'd prefer we just lobotomize people? Doesn't mean we should stop getting better, just that it could be (and was) worse.
"leave our veterans to die on the streets." Of the approximately 21.8 MILLION veterans, there were 50k homeless vets in 2014.
Also, oh the irony. You speak of fairy tales but aren't conservatives on average much more religious, more precisely fundamentalist Christian, than liberals? As far as I'm concerned Christianity is one giant fairy tale where the "good guy" is a wizard in the sky with authoritarian tendencies. Are you sure that WBC idiots holding signs like "God hates fags" isn't the same as dumbass SJWs holding signs about fucking Dumbledore or whatever?
Seriously, I don't follow Lauren but I know she's one of the anti-SJW people so we're probably of the same opinion about the SJWs but this statement of hers I disagree with.