They have the issue with seeing a slight part of the breast while the mother is breast feeding, but not if it's on that Victoria's secret poster over there.
The article says she squirted milk at them, not on them. If you spat on the floor because you didn't like something I said I dont think I would care much.
What if he had scabies on his face and track marks up and down his arm would you care much then? Or is it only people that don't show signs of disease that can spit and its OK. If that's the case you should educate your self start with TB and go from there.
Nope I wouldn't care still, just as I said earlier he's not spitting on me, he's spitting on the floor.The title says she squirted her boob at the other person, not on them.
Don't worry about splashing off the floor on you? What about bullets OK if some one shoots at you're feet as long as there not shooting at you? Because it all sounds stupid to me. If some one spits at you and you're OK with that I feel sorry for you that's really sad I couldn't imaging living like that.
Here's the thing. Yeah it's gross having people's bodily fluids on you, of course it is. It was rude of her to do that just as it would have been rude to spit in her face.
As a matter of safety, if it's safe enough for her to feed her baby it's safe enough where you don't need to worry if it gets squirted on you. This post is old and the event we're speaking of has happened and unless you have a time machine it won't be changed. People laughing about this doesn't mean pregnant/breast feeding women are going to go around squirting strangers with their breast milk. Unless someone comes at you squirting their milk this needs to be over and done with because your arguing isn't going to do anything.
It's safe enough for her to feed her baby it's safe enough where you don't need to worry. Love that argument that's the same as pointing a gun at some one and saying its OK its not loaded. She could have any kind of diseases she didn't get tested for during pregnancy or any she caught after she delivered. I mean Christ we got morons shooting heroin and smoking crack through the hole pregnancy. Sorry butt I think this sets a dangerous precedence to allow this to go unpunished. There are some real savages out there that will just keep going further and further. I prefer living in a civilized society but that's just me.
And if a guy squirted a little sperm it would be OK with you? He didn't hit you kick you or hurt you in any way. sorry you throw bodily fluids at me be glad pressing charges is the only thing I do. And as for not hurting him in any way Brest milk can Cary diseases little splash in the eye is all it can take.
The difference is that semen is sexual, and if a bloke did that it'd be classed as sexual assault.
Breast milk is produced to feed a baby and doesn't contain diseases you stupid fuck.
No the difference is sperm offends you and Brest milk doesn't both are body fluids just like blood and piss Brest milk can contain hiv hepatitis chicken pox and a hole bunch of other can't believe some idiot is arguing that its OK to hit some one with a bodily fluid. IM done responding to you you're just to ignorant for me to deal with.
· 8 years ago
So is cow milk. It's no fucking different you stupid twozock. Semen is a SEXUAL fluid, not the same as blood or saliva you dumbfuck THAT is why it's more offensive that breast milk. Breast milk can CARRY diseases if the person already has the diseases but it does not innately contain them. You have the gall to call ME ignorant yet you don't seem to have got past a year 7 eduction. You need to go take some classes in biology, you hypocrite.
As deserved as this probably was, this should still be treated like someone spitting on another person. Yes it's technically assault, you don't know what kinda of diseases she may or may not have had.
Yeah the person was an asshole, but that's just gross, man.
Hell, I once thought you couldn't weaponize high heels...
As a matter of safety, if it's safe enough for her to feed her baby it's safe enough where you don't need to worry if it gets squirted on you. This post is old and the event we're speaking of has happened and unless you have a time machine it won't be changed. People laughing about this doesn't mean pregnant/breast feeding women are going to go around squirting strangers with their breast milk. Unless someone comes at you squirting their milk this needs to be over and done with because your arguing isn't going to do anything.
Breast milk is produced to feed a baby and doesn't contain diseases you stupid fuck.
Yeah the person was an asshole, but that's just gross, man.