Apple products are whatever,but honestly it's the Apple fans that are awful. Tho,that only applies to the people who view Apple as a company that can do no wrong,even though that's far from the truth.
Yeah, robbing customers of shitloads of cash, for products that fail to satisfy and not to mention making money off sweatshops and employing children in third world countries for cheaper labour.
Definitely. And yet people keep buying their,if I found out that my favorite company pulled that shit,I'd stop buying their shit,and maybe even try to convince people to boycott their asses.
Yee, good idea. I mean, with the amount of products using child labour, it's almost impossible to avoid using these products, but at least we can discourage people from having such a high degree of respect for these corporations who are pretty corrupt; Such as people thinking Steve Jobs to be a great man, but he was actually a bit of an asshole.
My sister had her Alpha for 2 years and a half without needing a new cable, and I'm still using the one they supplied me with for my S7, which I got last August
This happened to ALL my cables. My mom's Apple, my Samsungs, Nintendos... Everyone.
· 8 years ago
Just put some heat shrink tubing over the end
· 8 years ago
that is a good idea, but sadly if it is big enough to get over the connector it will be to big to shrink to size. i could be wrong. either way i like your thinking. hot glue could work, you just need to work it into a clean wrap along the wire. just be sure not to melt the wire. or silicon calking may work... i might try to figure something out one day.