College isn't free in Europe?
It's just a bit cheaper. But if it is free, I'm pretty sure Americans wouldn't be entitled to it since they haven't paid any taxes.
Right im pretty sure yall pay for school just through a 20-35% income tax depending on country. My ex goes to St. Andrews in Scotland and I'm pretty sure they're paying money.
I wish we did things that way in Britain. Really good universities can cost up to £9000 per term, and I think they want to raise it, so it ends up being £27,000 a year. Most people stay for about three years, so £81,000 all together. $98,585.10. You're better off staying in America I think
I mean, my undergrad was over $40,000 a year. So four years of that is around $160,000. Then add a 9% interest rate on the loans. It's expensive everywhere.
I don't know about europe but i know that in argentina college is free (except for the private ones) and people often come from other countries to study for free without having paid taxes
My school here is about 4000 a semester. And my tuition is free by government money because my grandfather a WW2 vet set up a fund before my brother and I were born. So my folks only pay for rent, class fees, and books.
Texasranger: again, it's not free. I understand that you arent paying for it. And i'm not suggesting you dont deserve to have it paid for either. I'm simply saying that it's 'free' from your prospective only. I promise you there is someone else is paying for it.
it's not free, but it is cheaper there in a few countries. generally the people moving to go to college there are the people who want college to be affordable in the states and support the idea of creating a tax system much like Canada, or other european countries where college is partially paid for by taxes.
When I applied colleges in England a few years ago it wasn't free, but they did offer a ton of discounts for being a student from a different country. Wish I would've had the courage to actually go through with it though.
AFAIK, in Western Europe we are far from having "free college", if anything, college has gotten more expensive year by year. However, in Central and Eastern Europe, they are trying to attract kids by offering with free courses for foreign students.
I do find it odd that my parents paid taxes their entire lives and I had to pay my own tuition at university (at the time it was the equuivalent of $3000/year for an undegrad), while a foreign student might get it for free.
That makes Sense because having Americans in European universities improves their diversity and as we all know diversity is such a wonderful thing to have everyone else should be paying for it.
I am a German-American going to one of the top public universities in Germany, tuition is the same for everyone including foreigners and many masters programs are entirely in English. MY tuition per semester? 350 euros... and that is one of the highest in Germany. Admittedly, bachelor programs are more difficult to find in English, but they do exist. You should all really consider it if you're interested in getting a postgraduate degree without having 100k+ in student loans. The UK is an exception in Europe, they follow a model similar to the US and is very expensive.
It's just a bit cheaper. But if it is free, I'm pretty sure Americans wouldn't be entitled to it since they haven't paid any taxes.
I found this old post that specifies the countries where Americans get free college education
I do find it odd that my parents paid taxes their entire lives and I had to pay my own tuition at university (at the time it was the equuivalent of $3000/year for an undegrad), while a foreign student might get it for free.