Pathetic wimps. 'Offended' by every little thing. Next person that tells me I've offended them is getting told that their breathing in my vicinity is offensive.
We condemn freedom of speech that tells us what to do
· 8 years ago
Luckily the real world doesn't kowtow to this nonsense, these fags are going to go through the school of hard knocks as soon as they get out of daycare.
· 8 years ago
Why is man being taken out? Isn't it another plural version of humans?
Ones like fireman and waitress I get, in case your waiter is a man and your firefighter happens to be a woman.
What I don't get are things like "same-sex" and "humanity". "Homo" literally means same. And "humanity" still has "man" in it. I don't understand people.
Yeah i don't get waitress. There are different terms waiter and waitress. Maybe they just want to make it gender neutral but as a former waitress I hate server. Sounds like servant (to me at least)
That's in the UK tho... and they say it as a suggestion, not censorship... too bad no one reads... btw nice steal from 9 g a g and cropping out of the tittle... good job
· 8 years ago
It literally says banned in big letters and approved alternatives
How does "housewife" translate to "consumer?" I saw a suggestion somewhere to replace "housewife" and "househusband" with "housespouse." I'm all in on that one.
The victim change makes sense. Even today we don't say 'rape victim' we say 'rape survivor' because we try to empower the person who got raped. It can make a huge difference in the mentality in the person being called a survivor over a victim.
Do you really think they are "approved"? Like there's some sort of governing body putting the suggestions through their paces?
I'm guessing that was just a poor choice of words (get it?) by whoever typed this up.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone typed this up to look like something it's not.
"University lecturers have been warned"? By who?
This is one of those extra suspicious internet "news" things that I can't trust until someone links the whole story.
This appears to be an opinion piece by "Tyler Durden". Doesn't give any details, just wiseass extrapolation posing as "news" with apparently 0 effort given to confirm. Possibly copy/pasted from a similar article found online.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's smart to shelter people in an education setting. There's a happy middle ground, I'm sure. As long as people aren't harrassing or threatening anyone, the VAST majority of people will be just fine.
False post used to drum up anti-SJW rhetoric. Man is often used to describe the race of man, as it is in many of these instances. Universities are there to teach individuals, not shun them from the world. Gtfo with this fake ass post.
It does matter. If this is a fake post call them out, but given the current political climate, I wouldn't be surprised if it's real, and shame on them if it is.
What I don't get are things like "same-sex" and "humanity". "Homo" literally means same. And "humanity" still has "man" in it. I don't understand people.
Why are we changing homosexual? I see no reason to change it.
please watch
I'm guessing that was just a poor choice of words (get it?) by whoever typed this up.
"University lecturers have been warned"? By who?
This is one of those extra suspicious internet "news" things that I can't trust until someone links the whole story.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's smart to shelter people in an education setting. There's a happy middle ground, I'm sure. As long as people aren't harrassing or threatening anyone, the VAST majority of people will be just fine.