When they were on Dr Phil, I felt so bad for her mum, but now I've realised that she's a racist piece of trash and her daughter is a carbon copy of her.
The media wants what will give them attention and money, of course a lot of you look at this and think, "Well i'm pretty sure people who look at this story would be very pleased with it.". No, in our society we have people who would take offense to this and think they're trying to enforce people to overachieve as this child is, and the other child isn't. Its kind of like when fat people thought that the magazines with the pretty ladies and perfect bodies were trying to fat shame them, when in reality it was just advertisement not suppose to offend anyone, but of course there are people who are going to get offended by this. Overall the media isn't going to cover things that actually matter. Only things that will make people laugh.
She's already made some good bank. Hopefully she'll end up going penniless due to a narcotics addiction and then look dumb when she has to go live with her "oppressive" mom again
· 8 years ago
I'm torn.
On one side, I don't want to feel like shit because this person is 13 and is going into college.
But on the other side, I don't want to feel like I'm some golden guy because I have a better education than Justin Beiber with a vagina.
Who is the next annoying brat on the list that isnt under 18?
But we'll have to wait tho
He seems to be unpleased as I was being crazy about eliminating a child
Reason 1 and 2 I'll kill myself. I'll never be as good as 1 and I have to live in the same world that people like 2 are glorified.
· 8 years ago
Posts like these are ineffective. They find the most overachieving person and the worst example of something to make people feel bad, while cloaking that with this horrible person to make you feel better, for being in the middle.
I don't follow either one of them on any type of social media or anything else. The genius, I don't follow because I'm not likely to find what he says useful to me. The fact that more people would want to see a train wreck than a lecture on some lofty topic doesn't signal any kind of decline to me. The fact that more people recognize her than would recognize the Secretary of State of the US or their governor signals more. Kind of a downer for those who follow memes intently, and believe that ranting on meme sites and social media actually mean something. (So I suppose I fall in there a little.)
honestly i am taking it as the people to voted on the leaders before this year. it sure isn't me, my parents or wife who like this person. i honestly don't even know who she is. it isn't all the steel worker and coal diggers. it isn't the people who are working 3 jobs just to keep their homes that are liking this girl's twitter of facebook. it is millennial that spend much of their day on social media who like this person.
You're lucky enough not to be aware of her existence
Let stay that way
Nah I expect too much
Maybe a pornsomething that does the ageplay category
On one side, I don't want to feel like shit because this person is 13 and is going into college.
But on the other side, I don't want to feel like I'm some golden guy because I have a better education than Justin Beiber with a vagina.
You just made my day
keep y'all updated later
We have to wait till she's 18
Then I can get rid of her
But we'll have to wait tho
He seems to be unpleased as I was being crazy about eliminating a child
And i could feel my brain cells commit mass suicide
*hugs hugs pats pats* natural selection gonna get to her soon