This isn't even issue dude like literally no one gives a shit whether it's a dude a girl or even a fucking taco these people are just complaining cause they've got nothing better to do
Wtf, did they assume the traffic persons gender.....
But for real, it really doesn't matter. It could be a guy, it could be a bald woman in jeans
Who the fuck cares
" I'm sorry Jimmy. The Public school can't afford a library anymore because they'd rather focus our tax dollars on fixing the sexist crosswalk lights "
· 8 years ago
"I'm sorry Jimmy, we couldn't afford a library because we would rather give a tax break to the rich."
@shotgunsamurai42 it will cost upwards of $600,000 (UDS) to replace the stop lights and that doesn't even include labor. if you have $600,000 and you could build a new library or you could change some stoplights which would you choose?
Considering Melbourne has hundreds of libraries why should tax payers have to pay for another one?
· 8 years ago
That was just an example
· 8 years ago
You are of course assuming that all of the traffic lights are brand new and aren't in need of replacement. I assume your 600,000 figure comes off the estimated cost of 8,400 to replace six traffic lights and I assume as well that 8400 is the total cost and not say, the cost of replacing a single pane of glass, correct?
· 8 years ago
Yes a poor example
· 8 years ago
How about a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter?
· 8 years ago
Would those typically be a part of an infrastructure budget?
· 8 years ago
There's no pleasing you is there?
· 8 years ago
Ahh so we can't win on facts so let's switch to personal attacks.
Lol, OK then.
And literally everything you've said has been for the sake of arguing. An example was given, it wasn't suppoesed to be literal but you took it that way, and then started an unnecessary argument in which you were in the wrong.
· 8 years ago
How am in the wrong? And how is telling me that the cost of replacing traffic lights going to cost six hundred thousand dollars not supposed to be taken literally? I engaged with the person on what they said, nothing more.
i just found that price point online my point is their are much better uses of taxpayer money if they want to help women or whatever they should instead use the tax money to make a woman's homeless shelter
· 8 years ago
I got the point, mine being that cities usually develop and vote on budgets for things like infrastructure and human services. Once the money is allocated you can't just decide to spend it on something else. I also pointed out that these traffic lights may have already been in need of replacement anyway in which case you can't just move the funds somewhere else. Either way you seem nice and I hope you have a good day!
Kind of funny how society frowned upon women wearing pants but women fought against it. Now women make a deal about a traffic symbol looking like a do they fix it? Slap a skirt on it
It's funny how these gender equality people are like include women bald blah but the australians put the female cross walk person and it just made me think how people are like oh, it's a triangle shape so it has to be a girl. Why can't I guy wear a dress and why can't a girl not wear a dress blah blah did you just assume my gender blah blah blah I just think that's ironic u kno what I mean
No it's not. In a job, everyone gets paid the same amount of money. But when thy pay gap was being researched they asked all women how much the earned, and compared it to how much all men earned, not taking into account the different types of jobs, hours etc. And obviously they found that men earned more, because men tend to go for higher paying jobs like it says in the link.
But isn't they kinda sexist? They're assuming that the traffic stick character was a man and that a female stick character must wear a skirt. That's like gender roles 101. Shit, I haven't worn a skirt since forever, and I'm a woman.
a traffic light cost 60 grand (per light and they said 10 lights) replacing whole traffic lights just so the little walking person think looks a bit different is a huge waste of tax money
But for real, it really doesn't matter. It could be a guy, it could be a bald woman in jeans
Who the fuck cares
I said that your "facts" were a load of shit
And literally everything you've said has been for the sake of arguing. An example was given, it wasn't suppoesed to be literal but you took it that way, and then started an unnecessary argument in which you were in the wrong.
Here you go
I guess people are adamant that the pay gap exists.
'Nuff said.