I would recommend numbers 2, 4, 7, and 10. Little to no skill is needed to use them and you're less likely to get them stuck in something, like a skull, and have it pulled from your hand. Do not use 5 or 12 unless you've got plenty of practice using something like them or you'll just end up hurting yourself and others around you. 13, 14, 15, and 16 are either pole arms or weigh more than you'd want to try swing around without some serious strength conditioning first. 1, 3, and 8 are weapons only, not too practical if you need to move around alot. 6, 9, and 11 are tools that can also be used as a weapon if needed but you'll need to practice basic maintenance and keep a sharpening stone handy.
· 7 years ago
16 is a war scythe. Farmers basically turned the blade on their farming scythes around to make a proper cutting edge. I doubt it would take much training if that was the go-to weapon for farmers. The same with 13, if just a bit more modified.
It was a go to weapon because it was cheap, really only had 3 or 4 useful moves so easy to train with and mainly relied on numbers to swarm and de-horse a knight. But it still weighs more than the average person today could swing repeatedly in a fight.
In most movies and comics zombies can only be killed by destroying the head, or the brain. Also breaking down every zombie with chemicals wouldn't be very effective.
Fire might work, I'm just afraid of attracting attention.
· 7 years ago
Classic zombies are more or less driven by sound and smell so a fire would be an excellent way to cover your scent. The resulting sound from the fire would also cover your escape.
My strategy is to cut the zombie into pieces, and then use chemicals to break down the body.