That's not feminism, that's being a feminazi. All the above stuff you listed is being a feminist, but when someone cares more about being catcalled than all that stuff and says that all straight, white cismales are horrible and should die, that's a whole new can of worms. The latter are the worst people.
For some people it's rather convenient to fall for stereotypes. When something is "irreparably stained" you don't have to take it serious. Why not just equal anyone who thinks feminism is still necessary to some deranged idiots on Tumblr?
Oh damn you right. I shouldn't be upset about being screamed at on the street because worse things are happening. Makes perfect fucking sense. Fuck off.
This is the usual defence of asshole guys. "It's not like I'm stoning you to death for driving, I'm just harassing you verbally in a culture where 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime, showing unprovoked sexual aggression to a total stranger. What's wrong with that?"
I'm a man, and I'm a feminist. Call me a feminazi to my face and I promise you it ends badly for you.
That's terrible logic. By the same token, if your car gets stolen, you shouldn't feel bad or complain, because there are people in the world who get hit by cars and die. You should be grateful your car-related incident didn't kill you!
But...feminists' figurative cars aren't being stolen. The pay gap doesn't exist, institutionalised sexism doesn't exist....Where is the gender-equality gap?
· 8 years ago
At least not in the Breitbart and MGTOW universe. Which are both, by any possible definition, safe spaces. Mainly safe from general, un-alternative facts.
You're right, I should have clarified. The gender gap doesn't exist IN WESTERN CIVILISATION. It exists in the Middle East, and in Muslim countries, where women can be killed for being raped.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Ah, ye good olde "You could have it fuc#ing worse, Missy!" argument. Now, that's really old... Anybody with open eyes knows there is still a huge imbalance between men and women, so denying it pretty much tells a lot about a person.
Care to provide definite, obvious examples of the imbalance?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
No, actually I couldn't care less. You've heard them all a million times and chose to believe those who "debunk the myth" of gender inequality. Girls choose to play with pink toys and women choose jobs that get paid less and relations with men who belittle them. Everything is just fine.
I'm a man, and I'm a feminist. Call me a feminazi to my face and I promise you it ends badly for you.