Also, to try and get meat eaters to switch to vegan options. If it tastes like meat, it normally doesn't but that's bedside the point, then a meat eater on the fence may try it and like it.
Exactly I mean you don't see us going around makeing veggies out of meat. Imagine us makeing a salad with ham as lettuce ground beef molded into carrots and chicken nuggets as tomatoes with cheese all over it.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
I'd eat that. I hate real salad xD
· 8 years ago
a little A-1 for dressing and you got yourself a meal
its an American steak sauce. you can choose BBQ or hot sauce if you'd prefer. ketchup would ruin it. A-1 kinda tastes like Worcestershire if you know what that is.
I personally don't have a problem with a vegetarian diet (not vegan) but don't use pretend meat. That's just nasty. If you want a soy based product then use it, but don't pretend it's chick'n nuggets.
Why are some cakes shaped like vegetables?