Do not be deceived... Like everyone, they care only for themselves. PornHub is a business. If people stop watching porn (which won't ever happen) due to internet-history monitoring, they lose money, and potentially can go out of business. It's money, people, NOT YOU.
This is no roll back of any protection you think you may have had. Google facebook and others have been selling your information for many years and Obama did not change that. Obama's rules still allowed Google to sell your browsing history and other info. Google is a big Democrat donor and Obama was trying to give them an unfair monopoly. Nearly all of you seem to love chrome so much! You have ALWAYS had your "privacy invaded" by Google and apparently no one minded.
All Trump has done is stop playing favorites and allow others to do what Facebook, Google, etc. are already doing to you.
If the goal isn't reached, the money is donated to the ACLU.
All Trump has done is stop playing favorites and allow others to do what Facebook, Google, etc. are already doing to you.