Living is a privilege not a right...?
7 years ago by duiyuolo · 1882 Likes · 11 comments · Popular
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· 7 years ago
I could care less how it's paid for but do NOT charge me for not having you pricks!! That should be my right to choose. I pay your taxes and can't get healthcare free but all the lazy sobs popping out 10 kids get it and food stamps and cash assistance for free...
· 7 years ago
Isn't she a millenial though? Her name thing says 1998
· 7 years ago
I think each person should pay for their own personally.
· 7 years ago
Yeah but what if they can't afford it? They die. A homeless man can't choose to get a tumor
· 7 years ago
Isn't it ironic that the Republican party having a mostly low income class wants to pay for their own healthcare...thats why there were pissed off people in townhalls across the US
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· 7 years ago
it is only because I dont want to pa for someone who is not working or does not have a job. It encourages people to work and to get a job in a capitalist society. We have too many people who get away with not working on wealth fare checks
· 7 years ago
So if you're sick because of lack of healthcare and you can't work you basically die?
· 7 years ago
Government paid healthcare makes it all more expensive. And basically everyone is able to work. Most people aren't old enough that they can't work or disabled. Government healthcare is being declined in record numbers because it's trash. Btw, more people have insurance today because Obama made it illegal not to have it.
· 7 years ago
If people can't afford insurance, blame Obamacare. Made premiums rise 40%. Basically, since its illegal not to have insurance, people who don't qualify for Obamacare have to pay more than ever for it.
· 7 years ago
People can downvote all they want, doesn't make what I said any less true. I would stop listening to retards like Bernie sanders because he never brings up actual facts and statistics, just tells people awesome stuff they want to hear, if I where you guys.
· 7 years ago
What im saying is not only should government stay out of it because everything they get involved in the prices rise but that we should not have to pay it. When they forced employers to pay healthcare to anyone working 30 hours I believe then they made it so instead of employers employing more people full time they would employ a bunch of part timers who would only work around 20 hours. So even though jobs increased the amount of hours people were working shrunk.