good for you
no I haven't seen the movie because I don't want to
the comment I made had literally no relevance to The Nightmare anyway so I don't understand why everyone acts like it's a huge deal
It's not a bad movie by any measure of the word. I don't understand why everyone is acting like I said it's a horrible movie. I've literally only heard people say good things about it, but that does not mean I'm interested in a movie about Halloween and Christmas. I don't have to watch the movie if I don't want to. I never said it "isn't worth watching", I said I "don't want to watch it". There's a difference.
Edit: you're confused.
I said "acts like it's a huge deal" as in "acts like my comment is a huge deal" as if I personally sought out every person that likes the movie and told them how much I hate it. You misread my comment, as usual.
Of course there was.
> be me
> make a joke and go to sleep
> wake up to downvotes and people who got insulted because they thought I was referencing a movie that I had not mentioned at all
> try to explain and get more downvotes because everyone assumes the worst about the comment I made
> no one listens to me
just like real life
I don't think you referenced a movie at all. Two of us did. You were not attacked. I'm not sure why you were downvoted. Hell, I wasn't pissed when I posted. I just made a reference to what they do in a movie. I respect that you've not seen it, as to each, their own.
no I haven't seen the movie because I don't want to
the comment I made had literally no relevance to The Nightmare anyway so I don't understand why everyone acts like it's a huge deal
Edit: you're confused.
I said "acts like it's a huge deal" as in "acts like my comment is a huge deal" as if I personally sought out every person that likes the movie and told them how much I hate it. You misread my comment, as usual.
> be me
> make a joke and go to sleep
> wake up to downvotes and people who got insulted because they thought I was referencing a movie that I had not mentioned at all
> try to explain and get more downvotes because everyone assumes the worst about the comment I made
> no one listens to me
just like real life