Bullshiat. My son is graduating from Yale this year. All it takes is money. I have another that is entering Hofstra(Full cover scholarshi), and a third that is in middle school.
I worked two jobs to get my degree. I never begged for anything and didn't take out a loan or get a handout from the government. I simply did. Yes, I worked crap jobs along the way. But my kids will benefit because of it.
So you're implying that if I really work hard and pull myself up by my bootstraps, and work 2 part-time jobs as well as going to school full-time, I could afford $64,000 a year for school? What kind of jobs would I have to have to make that kind of money? The $64,000 is the average tuition to Yale, which I'm sure you know because your son is graduating from there, and I'm absolutely certain he did it without any loans or going into debt like you did, right?
I started as an Opener at McDonalds. Then I stayed long enough to be a manager. Then I got a position in a Mall business. In the interim I got off my ass and pursued a degree. So Yeah, I can afford to pay for my kid to go to Yale. Or anywhere the F he wants to go.
· 7 years ago
And that's why I'll never truly succeed. Because I'm a lazy fuck-wit.
This reminds me of a post on here a while ago where this girl was talking about how it's not that hard to be debt-free after college, except this post is about hard work and determination rather than being condescending.
A guy worked his way from nothing (maybe worse than nothing, since he had to care for siblings and not just worry about himself starting from zero) and graduated from a very prestigious college. So, how is his country shit? Oh, he didn't get a government-paid degree in gender equity studies or something like that...is that the thing that's bothering you?