Na. It all depends on the age of the kid. What if you give a stranger the signal and they end up traumatizing the kid because the stranger is a crazy person? Or the kid is too young to know what the hell is going on, just that a stranger is yelling at them and their parent is'nt protecting them? In all honesty, if I acted up in public, all my dad had to do was clinch his belt and I knew to shut up or my ass was about to get spanked. If you have to resort to letting strangers keep your child in line, I question your ability as a parent.
I'm fascinated that you think that a stranger telling an annoying kid to "shut up" is more damaging than a parent maintaining control with the threat of being assaulted with a fucking belt. Okay.
Honestly the situation would get worse bc I would tell them to fuck off. Kids cry. They have for thousands of years so it's nothing new. It all depends on why the kid is pitching a fit and the age of the kid. If a grown ass person tries to get into an argument directed at my child then some words are about to get exchanged.
· 7 years ago
Hence the signal.
The point of the original post is that parents should be able to safely and w/o the kid knowing, invite another person to point out to a child that their behavior is socially unacceptable.
If you are a decent parent then you would be correcting the problem instead of being lazy. Having a complete stranger come in and try to correct a problem they know nothing about is insane and damaging. As a parent your role is to protect and install good values. If you let a stranger correct themvand just stand by and watch, the child loses that sense of protection you are supposed to be providing. I just think its ludacris to invite someone to enotionaly attack a child that doesnt know why the hell mom or dad is letting it happen.
Nope. 7 cousins that I watch and take places. They are wild as shit but they dont get out of line in public bc they know I dont play around. They have a good time bc they know where my line in the sand is.
I know you asked morebacon but I'd like to butt in. You don't have to have kids to know when a parenting technique is wrong. You shouldn't need strangers to do the parenting for you especially when you don't know who that stranger could be.
Yep. Last time my little buddy tried to use the urinal. He pee'd all over his feet so I had to give hime a half bath in the sink at the mall. He was so embarrased but luckly he was wearing flip-flops. And all the kids are age 3 to 8 lol. Never boring.
Actually they do. I grew up in a family that instilled southern values. Yes sir, no sir, look people in the eye, shake their hand, etc. I got out of line only a handfull of times and got spanked. Not beat, no harm done, but the message was clear from then on out. If I was acting up, all my dad had to do is put his hand on his belt. It was the signal to stop whatever the fuck I was doing and act right. I dont think parents should beat their kids all the time, but a ass whooping every now and then keeps you in line. Of course this is only my opinion and experience.
I understand where you're coming from but personally I don't think they always work. It depends on the kid and not one thing will work for each kid. Though there have been " studies " where kids are asked questions about getting spanked and a good number of them said that it didn't help them at all just scared them.
I only spanked my kids when they were too young to reason with and did something dangerous like run out in the parking lot. Otherwise, I iterate and reiterate that assault is not the action we choose when we are unhappy with someone else's behavior.
The best stance I've heard on spanking, and adopted as my own, is that a physical punishment should only be applied where the natural consequence of the misbehavior would be physical.
A noisy child should not be hit, mostly because that's not a natural consequence of being noisy.
A child sticking their fingers in electrical outlets or on hot stovetops is okay to hit/spank/whatever, as long as the parents' strike hurts less than the potential electric shock or burn.
Anecdotally, it's the best I've seen. I haven't done too much research into it.
I got talking to an old lady at a bus stop a few months back, and she said her age has its advantages with young children.
She tells them she works for Santa, and if they don't behave, she'll give him their name.
If they don't believe her, she pulls out a notepad with loads of random names on one sheet, and asks their parents to write their name down on the next line.
She then puts a cross next to their name, and apparently the look of alarm is priceless.
That's about as extreme a method as I'd like to see strangers employing.
The world doesn't care about how cute you are
Also your cuteness just drops down -500 the moment you start screaming
Not to mention, your please-whip-my-annoying-ass is currently 1000
As relentless as some kids can be, sometimes parents just need to tell them off if they're really being a nuisance. Some people may judge you but if you learn to teach your kids that they can't get everything they want from an early age then it gets easy in later life
You think I deserve to have my kids taken away for letting a stranger tell them to shut up when they're being a nuisance?
The point of the original post is that parents should be able to safely and w/o the kid knowing, invite another person to point out to a child that their behavior is socially unacceptable.
A noisy child should not be hit, mostly because that's not a natural consequence of being noisy.
A child sticking their fingers in electrical outlets or on hot stovetops is okay to hit/spank/whatever, as long as the parents' strike hurts less than the potential electric shock or burn.
Anecdotally, it's the best I've seen. I haven't done too much research into it.
She tells them she works for Santa, and if they don't behave, she'll give him their name.
If they don't believe her, she pulls out a notepad with loads of random names on one sheet, and asks their parents to write their name down on the next line.
She then puts a cross next to their name, and apparently the look of alarm is priceless.
That's about as extreme a method as I'd like to see strangers employing.
Also your cuteness just drops down -500 the moment you start screaming
Not to mention, your please-whip-my-annoying-ass is currently 1000