...wat..i mean.. i know science and informatic.. but why a stone? this makes no sense in case of a cpu.. do i miss something? we could say it's sandcorns because silizium and stuff..but..a stone?come on..
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
would be nice if people would stop downvoting my comment and ANSWER MY QUESTION IF YOU GUYS KNOW IT BETER GOD DAMN IT. it's annoying. don't just downvote my comment and don't respond.. it's annoying to just get downvotes and no explaination. fricking haters damn it.
well, the problem is.. if someone say "stone", atleast i think about a normal sized stone (like a stoneprick or stones you find on beaches).. nothing small like a sand grain. i mean.. sand is called sand for a purpose. and if they are this small.. i think you can't really call them stones anymore. grains okay, but stones? imho they are too small to call them like that. and you need to extract silizium out of it.. so basicly a cpu is not made out of a stone, it's not a stone.. it would be a crystal (and metall), not a stone. so the whole posting don't really makes sense in my eyes q_q
You're such a dumbass holy shit. That comment was supposed to make you look smart but all it did was made you look like an autistic 13 year old, which you probably are lmao.
@guest i'm 23, and you are in my eyes just a hater kiddy. you don't even have the balls to post with your account. please grow up. and by the way, we can all see what you post in other postings, even if you are a guest.
@guest i'm 23, and you are in my eyes just a hater kiddy. you don't even have the balls to post with your account. please grow up. and by the way, we can all see what you post in other postings, even if you are a guest.