Maybe you dont need/want an entire watermelon. It seems more wasteful to let the whole thing go to waste, forgotten about in the fridge, than to buy single serving portions.
What's wrong with buying it pre sliced?
It's easier for parents with young kids because instead of the parents having to come cut it for them, the kids can get it out of the package themselves. Plus it's less of a risk of a mess if you buy the slices.
Yes but the over packaging with all the plastic? Plastic could be conserved and I don't think it's right to wrap fruit in plastic unless it's just like seranne wrap over a fruit salad or something
It's easier for parents with young kids because instead of the parents having to come cut it for them, the kids can get it out of the package themselves. Plus it's less of a risk of a mess if you buy the slices.
Omnomnom... smooch smooch.