A huge chunk of the power in the government relies on the religous extremists and elitist rich who would rather see women as the second class and continue to hold all power. The lower people, socially and economically want change in the government and a way to advance socially but are finding impossible to do so. They want government reform but the problem with government reform is that when an autocratic or oligarchic government gives an inch to the people they demand a mile as many believe it shows weakness in the current regime. I fear that people wanting reform thus instant will try and force something and the saudi king will reverse his stance and cause more civil unrest than already exists.
I legit lol'd at metalmans first comment, 'end to the stability on the Arabian peninsula' ? Do you have ANY idea about the unrest and deaths and murders and Injustices going on over there? Puh-lease. I agree when your second comment, but I think that upheaval is necessary if your going to change centuries old habits (aka culture)
I'm well aware, most of the civil unrest currently lies in the southern region of Saudi Arabia. I'm talking about the entire region starting with the Saudi's. Now i know about Yemen and Iraq but Saudi Arabia is the largest and most stable country in the region. If it goes into civil unrest then it'd be an even bigger shitstorm than out already is.
The x by the comment looked like the x on the comment window. I accidentally deleted my comment asking "Who is 'they'?"
I asked because I wanted to know why the OP would say that they are "evolving". It's pretty condescending to imply that people who think and act differently than we do in the western world are inferior beings, and that they are "evolving" when they take steps closer to our behavior.
Yes, it was a joke, but imo but beliving women need permission to do everything seems pretty "not evolved" to me. Nothing to do with western world or being condescending. I respect their religion but they see women as inferior. So, yeah, needs some FIY report.
You remind me of those people who say that videogames are violent in nature and that contributes to actual violence without including the multiple determinants that lead someone to violence....change videogames to Islam and its the same thing
I asked because I wanted to know why the OP would say that they are "evolving". It's pretty condescending to imply that people who think and act differently than we do in the western world are inferior beings, and that they are "evolving" when they take steps closer to our behavior.