You know i hate that people pretend that being fat isnt an issue. Like my dad is fat and he tells me it doesnt mean im not healthy and it doesnt mean that im not happy with my life. Well he comes out and he challenges me to a 1 on 1 in basketball. Last time he played my i was 10 never played ball before im 17 and working my a off to make the team so i accept and just kick the shiz outta him because he cant move he cant jump and he gets angry leaves middle of the game my mom starts walking asked him to join her he only makes it half way then he has to turn around he gets angry and frustrated but he is too lazy to make the effort to lose the weight. I can almost guarantee that if you lose the weight and you dont have to stay on the diet just figure out portion control and stuff and i guarantee you will be happier and be able to do the things you want.
im saying its a mix of being restricting and and in most cases is also unhealthy. Odds are if you have the correct body fat percentage you are not going to look chubby. If you have a body fat percentage of 25% for males or 32% female and up you are going to look fat and be considered unhealthy.
No question in my mind that fat people can not do most physical exercises in appropriate times nor do things for extended periods of times due to their weight.
I am assuming you are a physically fit person. You probably never had to diet or exercise to lose weight. If you do diet or exercise it is probably just so you can maintain your current weight or you are trying to gain muscle mass.
You have no idea what it is like to put yourself through a diet and exercise when you are so over weight that your joints ache from walking to the mailbox or that you are imbaressed to try because you feel everyone will judge if you break your diet for the first time. You have no idea how much you just wish one day you wake up and you were your ideal weight.
You don't get it. Food to someone over weight is the same as alchol to a drunk. They want it but they know it is not good for them. But being addicted to food is worse because you need food to live.
Dieting and exercise isnt easy. It is the hardest thing to do.
And honestly I am sorry but you are a shit kid to come on here and bitch that your dad is lazy for not getting skinny, sorry but you are.
Why dont you educate yourself on what a man of your father's size can physically do to exersice. Than figure out ways to make your dad excited to exercise. Find out his favorite food and find ways to do small substitutes. Like instead of fried chicken in grease pan fry it in olive oil. Instead of a bag of chips for a snack give him popcorn. Instead of going out to eat for a burger George Forman a burger. Instead of fries bake potato. And do a smaller potion like he likes 2 burgers and fries. Give the man 1 burger with 2 baked potatos. Simple changes like that help. And when he goes to work make him a lunch to take something he would love and look forward to. Than have a heart to heart with the man. Tell him how much you want to help him. Tell him your fears about his weight.
And go inch for inch with him tell him you are there with him every step he takes that you will be there
If you are man enough to call him lazy you are man enough to help him over come. Some just need a coach
He is exercising i was fing fat bruh but i worked my a off to get slim so people would stop making fun of me. I help him by inviting him to the gym with me every morning which he accepts. I said portion control and when i call him lazy its because he is insisting that it is not interfering with his life just because he didnt want to do it now that he is losing weight he is happier and can do stuff he wanted to do. I mean it is hard but I am saying it makes you happier to be slimmer and healthier. Like i said in about 99% of the cases of people being fat they are probably unhealthy. To pretend like it is healthy and non restricting is ignorant. I can guarantee that fat people want to be skinnier he went on nutrisystem lifted weights and still walks with my mom they are not handicapped but given a choice of sitting at home and eating a bunch of food vs going for a walk or working out they chose to eat food. Obesity is laziness do you think some guy who is working out and doing active thi
things everyday is still fat? Do you think some guy who is doing what they can to be healthy is fat. You dont have to give up on your lifestyle but you can restrict how much food you eat and what kinds of foods your eating it doesnt mean no fast food but maybe fast food 1 time a week.
Look you say all this now but go reread your first comment as someone who does not know you who does not know your life story. Read the shitty way you just described your dad. And before you post another shitty comment like it. Think to yourself if my dad read this will he be fine with it or will he be hurt and feel his son doesnt believe in him doesnt feel like he is a good dad or that his kid is a jerk.
I stated my comment on the facts you gave. And the facts you gave was you are a skinny buff jerk kid who sees his father as a useless piece of shit that is to fat to walk. And you hate him for it.
Think before you type.
Ok im not buff im very average not bulging muscles just regular looking kid. Now you are telling me that telling it how it happened i beat him bad at basketball because he challenged me my mom took him for a walk and he quit mid way because he was having issues. Now I said at the end if you lose the weight and do the portion sizes it makes you happier. He hasnt lost the weight because he was lazy he didnt want to work out despite having a basketball court in the backyard having a treadmill at home and a weight set in the basement. I in no way shape or form said i hated him or that he disgusted me. I simply put out the fact he was too lazy to fix the problem despite being frustrated in his size. You assume that I am ungrateful but i helped him because i loved him and feared for his life and his happiness. Being able to push your loved ones to do things that they cant do by themselves and motivating them to change their lives in the way they want but cant achieve alone takes more love th
then ignoring it. Please do not assume things about me because i state a couple facts. I dont hate him I just explained his everyday struggle i never said I blatantly dislike him or hate him because of his size.
Than try telling your story in anew way. Like this:
"My Dad is a large man though he struggles to lose wight I just feel if he will put more effort into his exersice he can beat this. But rather than walk with my mom he wants to sit and eat. He claims he is healthy but he has trouble even finishing a simple Basketball 1on1 with me. He quits midway and gets angry. I know he hates how he is but I feel he just not tring hard enough. I want my dad to be healthier and happier because I know this isnt making him happy really. I know most people feel the same way. But this is my Dad here and I just feel no matter what he doesn't want to try. I am not in perfect shape either but atleast I am working at it. Maybe if we can get him on a better way of eating or exercise doing somthing he loves it'll help. I don't know but I do know his main problem right now is the will to do it."
See I gave all your info yet made it sound like I cared.
I got the same point across the issue here is that you assumed something about someone based on the way they said the story. I mean i never state anything about my feelings towards him you just assume things which quite frankly doesnt make sense when i read it I never once thought this is a person who hates his dad i thought he was just describing an example of how it restricted his life and made him frustrated. I mean asking maybe instead of throwing names and accusations it would be more effective to ask a question or be more polite about it like you are now. Especially on an unfounded assumption.
I just proved a point about this earlier. I'm the guy not working. I have a 4 bedroom house, property taxes paid (enough for the next 50 years), food/drink whenever I want, 2 lovely cats, a fucking pool that i'm questioning if I should get rid of (it's a hassle)... and I travel a lot. None of it is inherited.
got lucky with a few investments... and then currency trading. You can write an algorithm and set the parameters and it can just swap while you sleep or do other stuff. It't not much at once, but it adds up.
yeah but i mean when he says the guy who doesnt work lets be real here 99 percent of the time its not mark zuckaberg its not bill gates its not some guy who invested and got lucky. most the time its a guy who is poor or lost their job and still needs a job.
You have no idea what it is like to put yourself through a diet and exercise when you are so over weight that your joints ache from walking to the mailbox or that you are imbaressed to try because you feel everyone will judge if you break your diet for the first time. You have no idea how much you just wish one day you wake up and you were your ideal weight.
You don't get it. Food to someone over weight is the same as alchol to a drunk. They want it but they know it is not good for them. But being addicted to food is worse because you need food to live.
Dieting and exercise isnt easy. It is the hardest thing to do.
And honestly I am sorry but you are a shit kid to come on here and bitch that your dad is lazy for not getting skinny, sorry but you are.
And go inch for inch with him tell him you are there with him every step he takes that you will be there
If you are man enough to call him lazy you are man enough to help him over come. Some just need a coach
I stated my comment on the facts you gave. And the facts you gave was you are a skinny buff jerk kid who sees his father as a useless piece of shit that is to fat to walk. And you hate him for it.
Think before you type.
"My Dad is a large man though he struggles to lose wight I just feel if he will put more effort into his exersice he can beat this. But rather than walk with my mom he wants to sit and eat. He claims he is healthy but he has trouble even finishing a simple Basketball 1on1 with me. He quits midway and gets angry. I know he hates how he is but I feel he just not tring hard enough. I want my dad to be healthier and happier because I know this isnt making him happy really. I know most people feel the same way. But this is my Dad here and I just feel no matter what he doesn't want to try. I am not in perfect shape either but atleast I am working at it. Maybe if we can get him on a better way of eating or exercise doing somthing he loves it'll help. I don't know but I do know his main problem right now is the will to do it."
See I gave all your info yet made it sound like I cared.
Woah I'm mean...