If this information came out when I was a kid cough30+cough years ago I be O ok.
Actually when I rethink that no I wouldn't I be like whatever they are cartoons. Because when I was a kid cartoons was just a mini movie one didn't link to the other. Like bugs bunny or Road runner.
And probably anyone who remembers this cartoon is older than me. Lol
So ummm...
Thanks for the info.
The grammar isn't perfect but it sounds like someone whose first language isn't English, in which case we should cut them some slack
· 7 years ago
You should cut them some slack, yes, but when I was learning English I appreciated it when people would tell me my mistakes so I could learn from them.
Then again, the person who posted this likely isn't the one who made it, so it's kind of a moot point
· 7 years ago
I mean, thats what id say if i wanted to cover up suicide in a childrens show but idk tho
I think this is the episode where he drank himself into the gutter and "sold his life away" to buy a crappy car...I saw this again a few years back and, yeah, pretty depressing.
Actually when I rethink that no I wouldn't I be like whatever they are cartoons. Because when I was a kid cartoons was just a mini movie one didn't link to the other. Like bugs bunny or Road runner.
And probably anyone who remembers this cartoon is older than me. Lol
So ummm...
Thanks for the info.
Then again, the person who posted this likely isn't the one who made it, so it's kind of a moot point