I love that sequence. :)
In all seriousness though, it's not ok to punch anyone, regardless of how morally repugnant their views might be. The correct response to bad ideas is not violence, it's better ideas.
That sounds great, but better ideas aren't going to stop a white nationalist uprising. And they aren't just spewing out bad ideas, they are actively trying to bring about a white ethnostate, which would be extremely violent.
You don't respond to words with violence. That's a fascist ideology. Let them speak (whether they be neo-nazis, BLM, Westboro Baptists, whoever) so the world can see how stupid they are.
^ right. Sane people will KNOW who not to follow and you can explain to others how they're wrong ( like that black guy thats made over 200 KKK members leave the organization by just talking to them)
Also @propyatplatypus " they are actively trying to bring about a white ethnostate " white supremacists make up about .000027 % of the US, most people condemn them and think they're dumb so there's no way they're going to get that or even anything more than their protests and rallies
What's really great is that when you define everybody who disagrees with you as a Nazi, you get to punch people without your conscience bothering you, and with every excuse for people you say you shouldn't do that. I also noticed that just like real life, and the people beating up a Nazi have a numerical superiority.
In all seriousness though, it's not ok to punch anyone, regardless of how morally repugnant their views might be. The correct response to bad ideas is not violence, it's better ideas.
Also @propyatplatypus " they are actively trying to bring about a white ethnostate " white supremacists make up about .000027 % of the US, most people condemn them and think they're dumb so there's no way they're going to get that or even anything more than their protests and rallies