at risk of seeming even more out of touch... who''s number 3? his name seems familiar.
· 7 years ago
*says in shaky old voice* He was a very bright man. He was a companion to him. A friend, a colleague. But fate had something else in mind and his sole brother, friend, companion (you got the fuckin picture) betrayed him.
*black out with dramatic music*
I've used apple pretty much my whole life and I love the design but damn I might have to switch to Samsung. Apple is getting out of hand they're removing all the features I actually like
Now is a good time to switch with the Note 8 debuting soon. A lot of the features they previously omitted have come back because their users and the Droid community shit on them pretty hard for "going the Apple route."
*black out with dramatic music*
Number 3 is Kuki... Ohh I hope I gave you the right answer.
Before Jobs screwed and cheated him... out of what is now hundreds of billions.