I hear you, but I really don't think it applies too much in this particular situation. If the girlfriend were much older, then it could apply. (Not trying to be ageist, but I'm assuming for the sake of argument that a much older person with little experience with online gaming would be more apt to believe that such games can easily be paused.) Otherwise, I really do think that most women would know that you can't easily pause such games. We play, too.
The fact that you're telling me to stop analyzing it just makes me want to analyze it more. I strongly believe that when people stop analyzing things, they maintain the status quo. The fact that you yourself said it was a dumb joke is indicative that perhaps you would like the status quo to change. Furthermore, without actual data, I am not inclined to believe your statement that the "vast" majority of such players are male. The majority, sure, but not overwhelmingly so.