It most definitely is some commie bullshit. Scandinavians will tell you that it works, but they forget that their entire combined populations are equivalent to the population of Texas. THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE IN NEW YORK CITY THAN IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF FINLAND!
Have fun dealing with the economic collapse caused as more and more jobs are automated over and there's no source of income for anyone whose field of expertise isn't in an extremely subjective area.
Just because our countries are small doesn't mean the way they work can't be applied to bigger countries, that's just a stupid argument since it's mkre about per capita than raw capita. Also bith the great depression and the bank crash of 2008 were caused by the US flawed capitalist/banking system. Capitalism isn't bad, it's way better than communism in most regards, but in it's pureat form it doesn't care about anyone except the rich elite.
Virtually nothing is good in its pure form. Pure iron is too soft for use and pure carbon is brittle dust. Steel requires the right balance. Capitalism can be fantastic, but unalloyed capitalism is an anarchic pigpen.
If you get electricity to reproduce with itself you'll get retarded currents