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· 7 years ago
Or more available
· 7 years ago
You meant more rich, am i right?
· 7 years ago
Haha that would be nice too
· 7 years ago
Or who she feels good chemistry with, or has romantic feelings for, or is attracted to on multiple levels. Sorry, "but I'm nice and want a chance" doesn't fly if a person doesn't feel drawn to you. Lots of people, male and female, feel like they 'deserve' a shot at somebody, but what it comes down to is that the person you're after is the one who makes that choice for themselves. You may just not be an option, time to move on.
· 7 years ago
But 80% of the time it's because they're not physically attractive. I'm not saying that's a problem but at least admit it. I don't know why people think that's like mean it's just personal preference
· 7 years ago
Well, then too, lots of people will still give somebody they care about a shot even if they're not what they might define as attractive. The more you get to know a person, and the more you care, the more attractive they become. If you don't find them physically attractive, the underlying cause is most likely because you don't have chemistry and they're not romantically attractive...the 'physical' part rarely comes alone. I don't really think anybody has ever looked at somebody they knew and went "You know what? I adore you so, so much, you're my dream man in every way, there's that spark and there's chemistry...but you're not my usual definition of attractive."