under the best circumstances it's something like 8 or 9... but that involves Bear Grylling it with the enema and everything a few times, and worse, planning for it a few times.
Oh and not moving and not eating anything that needs much liquid to help process. I guess you might be able to push it even further, like to day 10, if you found a way to drink your own blood without throwing up.. since your blood would be thick AF and filled with toxins.
yeah, you would basically just be laying there the entire time. You'd also need a plan from the very beginning... (for the enemas)... and probably be in a controlled enviornment. Even then you aren't buying much time.
Oh and not moving and not eating anything that needs much liquid to help process. I guess you might be able to push it even further, like to day 10, if you found a way to drink your own blood without throwing up.. since your blood would be thick AF and filled with toxins.