No they're right we should deport everyone and then all the white people can harvest fruit and clean public bathrooms and do other unskilled labor that white Americans absolutely refuse to do
· 7 years ago
your arms are miles long cause you sure are reaching.
· 7 years ago
You need money and a stable country to make money and a stable country
The Irish and Italians immigrating to the US for a better life is not any different than Mexicans immigrating to the US for a better life. Both groups were "nonwhite" and experienced harsh racism and constant threat of deportation. Both groups had the worst jobs at the time and live in squalor. Wait another hundred years and the fate of the Mexicans will be the same of that of the Irish and Italians: they'll be assimilated and it won't be a big deal anymore.
· 7 years ago
You wanna know one difference?
Irish and Italians got here L E G A L L Y.
Yeah, and that was the same time blacks didn't have rights(when they started mass legal immigration). And what's so bad about assimilation? They aren't losing their culture, they just have to share their own with American culture. Not saying they have to be American through and through, just saying if you can't like the culture of the country you want to go to, you don't actually want to go. You simply want to live there and force the entire area to bend to you(yes, I understand cultural neighborhoods exist, but it's like going to Italy and expecting them to speak English and everything is in English).
Somebody already thougt of that .
The economic benefit for european countries via hosting refugees is said to be at approximately 1%, depending on how good or bad integration works. Key problem is, you need some infrastructure too and poor countries tend to lack that. Currently the G20 nations are starting an investment project in africa worth 300 million € trying to achieve what you are suggesting.
Same thing for diversity, right? If diversity is so beneficial, why isn't Africa trying really damn hard to,attract whites, Hispanics and Asians? Why aren't the powers that be encouraging immigration to Asia to increase diversity? It seems selfish for the west to hog all this benefit-increasing diversity for ourselves.
· 6 years ago
Its almost like we want diversity in white nations only because we to erase a certain race.
your arms are miles long cause you sure are reaching.
Not Asian tight, because we all know Asians do everything better...
Irish and Italians got here L E G A L L Y.
The economic benefit for european countries via hosting refugees is said to be at approximately 1%, depending on how good or bad integration works. Key problem is, you need some infrastructure too and poor countries tend to lack that. Currently the G20 nations are starting an investment project in africa worth 300 million € trying to achieve what you are suggesting.
Its almost like we want diversity in white nations only because we to erase a certain race.