The barcodes will register as different items based on that stores system, if it comes up at all. A paint brush at Lowes can come up as a candle at Walmart, or as unknow or invalid.
It was the bag of Cheetos that got away...she spilled them or something
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Imagine you get hammered one night. Get yourself a barcode tattoo on the neck. You don't have any recollection of it. You come back to your senses in the morning, hungover. You see the tattoo. You go on and scan it. And now is the most amazing part. What if it shows only the number 47. Everywhere.
1. You can't look up a barcode that isn't on your computer.
2. If it SOMEHOW is, what bookstore sells cheetos?
And it could have been a college bookstore as well.