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· 6 years ago
The Health Inspector’s grade on the wall does.
· 6 years ago
Am i the only one who doesn’t see this as a bad or low job? I’m still proud of these people that gives other people service and that they have a job without relying on others
· 6 years ago
Somebody has to be the person to work at McDonalds.
· 6 years ago
Grades don't matter though. Somebody who nearly flunks out of college can still end up on the corporate ladder thanks to their dad's friends while a 3.5 graduate can still end up working the front desk of the building while struggling to make contacts. Besides, I've worked a few min wage retail jobs next to very smart people with degrees in finance and biology. Customer service is a very stressful job sometimes, but it's not demeaning, beneath a person, or an intrinsically BAD job. A huge percentage of people have worked in fast food at some point in their lives, and not as teenagers.
· 6 years ago
This needs repeated more. The fact is I know people who didn't have money or connections, who didn't even go to college and work at fortune 500's making 6 figures. They are good at something, worked hard, and took smart risks in their careers that paid off. Not everyone can take that same path, they were also lucky. But I worked retail when I was younger and worked with post grads, helicopter pilots, and some brilliant people right on the service line with me. Your job isn't a measure of your skill, intelligence, or worth, it's what you do to pay bills in a moment, and as the economic crunch proved there is a very thin line separating those "high and mighty" who are "better" from themselves begging for any job that will keep the bills paid. Instead of thinking other people must be worse if they don't have what we do, maybe we should realize that we are just very blessed in life, and be thankful for what we have without tearing others down. The world needs all sorts to keep running well
· 6 years ago
So..... service and retail employees are idiots who must have done poorly in school. By that same logic then..... must all these wealthy career folks who got top grades and degrees from the finest schools be very smart? So.... you've never met or heard of a dumb politician or corporate executive? Never maybe- that all sorts of people can find themselves at many places in life due to many factors that don't just boil down to a naive and troublingly oblivious elitist idea that there is some "natural order" in which those worthy amongst us excel at all tasks and find their pre destined place in success and social importance? Grades aren't meaningless but they also aren't a final arbitrator. They are a metric, nothing more, and like any metric alone they mean little, out of context to the specific criteria of measurement and without universal and precise application are almost useless to compare any two things.