like if you slice cheese for your spagetti.. just with.. well, you'r ass :/ i thought the same and thought someone photoshopped it..but then i saw what it really is ._. i feel dumb now
These things were nearly as bad as razors, they would break fingers and rip out chunks of hair (with scalp skin attached at times) and snag loose clothing items. Most of these had to be removed really quickly because so many kids were getting hurt or stuck in the rollers.
But on a hot day they turn into heat hazards. Where only the strong survive. Or those that wear pants.
· 7 years ago
plastic in a hot day is too really hot.. so i don't think it change much.. it gets hot, if you have these on them or not.. plastic too hurts because it too heats really much up in summer.. as a child i burned myself a few times because that
There was a slide at the park I used to play at as a kid, it was made entirely of these rollers..I don't know how many times I got my fingers stuck in it. One kid broke a finger :( They're awful lol
I remember my elementary school had one entirely made of the rollers, coated in some sort of paint or plastic, and it had a wave shape so you went down a little, had about a hand length of flat space then then the bigger length. It. Was. Awesome. Yes you got fingers jammed but even as a first grader I remember the challenge we all did of "Who can run up it?" if you were very skilled and fast you could make it up to that flat, no one could make it all the way up. Also fun was using your hands to start the rollers rolling for that speed boost then launched yourself down.
I had one too on my local playground, and yes I did the running to the top thingy too. I slipped and got no grip, bashed my chin on one of the rollers and got a huge gash. Blood everywhere. Cried like there's no tomorrow lol